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Motherboard Recomendations Needed!

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I'm a long-time AMD fanboy who's waited too long for them to catch up and need a new, fast system. I've been reading some of the forums, but in the past this has been one of the best for solid (usually) unbiased info -- SO.


I'm looking to build a new system. I'm going to OC as hard as it will go, but haven't decided whether it will just be quality air or water (I have a Danger Den water system on my current setup and could move it over).


I'm thinking a Q6600 or Q9300 -- even though you can't get the OC clock on the Q9300 as high as the Q6600, the Q9300 OCs seem to be faster on benchmarks. (Correct me if I'm wrong!)


I'm not a gamer -- I do a lot of video processing and general number crunching and my computer doubles as a PVR in the evenings, so the Gigabyte GA-P35-DS3R which seems to be the common recommendation around here worries me because of the reported audio delay.


I'm not interested in Crossfire or SLI. I tried SLI for a while and found it to be fast, but not a good video (PVR) option -- doesn't like to share with an HD TV and doesn't respect aspect ratios on the HD TV. Seems to be gaming/benchmark oriented. And, I want a wide PCIe slot for my raid card. I would like it to be compatible with my old video card (eVGA 7900 GT KO).


I do want a system that I can upgrade as Intel updates it chips.


Cost is a consideration, but I've learned that you can't be cheap if you want a good solid everyday OC.


I really like my current DFI Expert -- complicated to OC (LOTS of knobs to learn), but solid.


Ok, if you've managed to get though all of that -- Thanks! What do you recommend?

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Using a little program called dcplat here is a SS of my latency


I have done a few Divx conversions to DVD and vice versa and had no audio sync problems. I have seen better looking graphs than mine with a more flatter lower appearance but I couldn't say which board it was. Maybe people in this thread could give you a screenshot of their results to help you out.


My CPU I absolutely love to bits, so glad I got it. The Q93 is 45nm so it runs on less voltage and less heat too so you could afford to get a good heatsink but with a quieter fan and still keep good temps if noise is an issue for you.

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