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HELP! Water Cooling LP UT NF680i LT SLI-T2R

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Just wanna ask what's the best brand and compatible water cooling system for my mobo, its LP UT NF680i LT SLI-T2R.


Many Thanks.

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What all are you wanting to put under water? (CPU, NB, SB)


The only brands I'll consider for watercooling are DangerDen, Swiftech, EK-Waterblocks, D-Tek, Thermochill, Hardware Labs, and LIANG.


For the CPU on the DFI 680i, any LGA775 block sill work; for the NB you'd need a loop-lock compatible (I875) chipset block; the SB on the board is a bit trickier (and depending on the GPU cooler of the card in the top slot may be impossible), you'd need a NF4 block and possibly reverse the top (or make other modifications) and most likely hard-mount them with nuts and cut to length bolts.


I'm running the following on my DFI 680i:

CPU: DangerDen TDX

NB: DangerDen maze4 i875

SB: DangerDen maze4 NF4 - top mounted upside-down and hard mounted

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Thanks radodrill, I just wanted to put on the CPU and the NB I guess, that's the only place on my mobo where it gets to hot, BTW im living on a tropical country and my room temp. average more or less at 40 to 50c. I overclocked my cpu to 3.2 Ghz and increased the voltage also on the NB. My CPU temp is 51 on idle and 62-66 on full load with 51 average on NB on Idle, am I in trouble here? Do I have to water cool right now before its to late or its just an average temp based from my room temp.


Many Thanks for the info.

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51C is not overly high for the NB (the NF680 chipset runs very hot anyways) and isn't really that much of a concern.


Generally about the max full load temp you'd want to run the CPU at is around 60C (AFAIK thermal throttling kicks in at 70C). Is this using the stock intel heatsink? If so you can also consider getting a good heatpipe cooler as that should provide a big improvement over the stock cooler.


You might also want to consider using a small fan to bow air across the PWMIC sink as that sucker normally gets really hot; I've got a 40mm fan running at low speed (near silent) and it makes a drastic difference.

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I got Zalman CNPS9500 attached to my CPU and the fan always runs 100% but still I got this high temp. I already opened the CPU and put an electric fan towards it but still the temp haven't lowered a great percentage. Is there wrong with the thermal paste, cause I only used a cheap one. (unbranded).

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