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Whew there's a dearth of data out there

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I know the q9450's are new, but there is a real dearth of real hard data out there.


I remember in the days when socket 939's were released, we'd have a big organised overclocking database of all that had been achieved - not just on this site but in general.


Even worse, nobody discusses what doesn't work, what is not needed.


All we have these days is I've done 3.2, 3.6, 4.2 or whatever, with no screengrabs of proven stability, no idea of the settings.... grrrrrrr.


Ah well, I'll keep on meddling and see how things go.

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So to debunk some internet myths.


q9450's are NOT limited by their x8 multi.


I have a stable FSB at x6 to 450, but I need 3.0v plus to be stable 3.4ghz.


3.4ghz is a nice, fine stable thing. But the rumours that these chips are totaly FSB bound is nonsense.


....But if I meddle a bit more with GTL values, I might be able to get those volts down.......

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A chip that scales well with low voltage is definitely limited by the x8 multiplier. It would be capably of 4.0 easily if it wasn't for the fact that it would need 500FSB. BGut yeah, if get a crappy chip then the multiplier is a non-issue. For most users the Q6600 is a much better bargain especially when retail goes to $220.00 in the next week or so.

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