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congrats, and say goodbye to sleep, at least for the first 6-8 months.:)


CONGRATS! Agreed on this one and on the “don’t get a girl” thing as well. I got two boys and a girl and let me tell you! I would take a boy any time again but a girl (give me a gun) But she is the special one in the house (dad’s girl) Love them all more than my own life itself!

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She's going to a convent - hopefully prayer and whippings will sort her rebellious edge out. Oh and take Branjo's advice very seriously as there are definitely some things a man should not see. Luckily for #2 we had a home birth (which I can highly recommend) and #1 woke up early so I got miss the last hour and watch kids TV instead whilst drinking tea and eating biscuits.


Why the home birth recommendation? #1 was born in a hospital due to paranoid new parents and those doctors are highly trained and extremely keen to get in and use their talents and equipment. took the wife over 3 months to fully recover. After #2 she should be good to go in 1 month, quicker healing, less damage, happier experience. Oh and the kids get a nice deep paddling pool when they're older.

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Guest SuppA-SnipA
Did I tell you all that I'm gonna be a dad?


Jenny is expecting in November :-)


There must be something in the water here, seems like half the female population here with the military are pregnant... my wife included...

its not the water, its the aliens, they impregnate all the women :)


congrats and dont worry, im sure u'll be a good daddy, just dont let them run with scissors in front of banana peals, like in ur avatar :)

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Guest LookBackX2

Congratulations AnUnknownSource.


I have a 1 yr old daughter, who pwns her Daddy. On the whole going into the delivery room thing...I guess it really depends on who you are. I have my daughters birth on video and find myself watching it every now and then.

It's an amazing thing, you know, the first cry from her mouth is like music.


!Warning! Kids can cause stress. Get a punching bag.:eek:

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