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Q6600 @ 3 ghz Temps


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Hey my cpu is hitting the low 70's while running Orthos. Is that to high for comfort? Or should i try and reseat my heatsink? Its the stock one of course.


I upped my voltage by the smallest amount possible. So it is just barely above stock voltage and it is running @ 3 ghz. I have a very good case for air flow. So are those the temps i can expect with just the stock heatsink or should like i said above reseat the heatsink?


I am so lost on this motherboard and cpu. I wish more people had this motherboard. :sad: On this forum anyways.

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Yeah i let it prime all night and the temps are all roughly the same. I let it prime all night like that. But it is stable and yes i have a artic freezer on the way for it. Yeah i know not the best one out there but it should suffice until i choose either WC or extreme air.


I want to make an entry into the OC database but my pic above is showing the wrong clocks. I am running @ 3ghz right now for 11.5 hours as shown in the pics.


Should i reinstall and do the chipset drivers again or what?

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