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Dfi LP Dk p35-t2rs wrong readings in os


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Ok i have what is in my sig and am trying to figure out all of my settings in the bios. Now my problem is all of my monitoring software is reading my FSB wrong and my OC wrong. So i dont know what i am at and the Computer doesnt seem to either. Not a good situation.


Why is this it is a fresh install as of today actually. Is this board just a piece of crap or what?


CPU-Z the latest keeps on switching back and forth from 6x multiplier to 8-9x mulitiplier.


Anyone else have this problem?

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Ok so since i am totally out of my element here as far as OC'ing this motherboard and cpu and memory for that matter. Is there anywhere that has a good explanation of all the settings i am scared of in my bios?


Now i know i am using a stock cooler so i am not expecting much of an OC right now maybe 3ghz maybe. Is that asking to much or should i put my sights lower.


I had my rig priming @ 2.9 but it was getting into the mid 70's and was getting to hot for comfort. That was after 1.5 hours. It seemed to be going fine after i shut the orthos down i run Aquamark 2003 and it crashed immediatley.


So i have backed my OC down to 2.8 and will prime that and see how it goes.


What do you guys suggest?


Update my temps are peaking at about







According to coretemp.


Is that on the ragged edge of what is acceptable?


This is priming at 2.8


This is a screen shot of my temps on coretemp and ite smart guardian


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