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Dfi lanparty dark p35

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Ok just installed my q6600 on my dfi lanparty dark edition and my temps are through the roof. idling @ 82 in bios. Not fahrenheit people but celcius. What the hell i put my artic silver 5 in three strips like on the cooler but the stock stuff is crap so i pulled out my the AS5. Why is it running so hot? I remounted the stock cooler a couple of times (each time changing the AS5) and the temps went down a couple of degrees and thats it.

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I'm running the same build and I thought the max the cpu would accept is 75. In fact unless you've changed something the mobo should be restarting at that temperature.


Mine idling is 12-13 C, which is around 60F. Also When I used my AC5 I applied a dot, then spread evenly over the processor using a flat razor blade. I seriously doubt you are that hot, either the bios is so very wrong, it isn't reading in Celsius or I have no idea.

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Remove the heatsink. Then remove the processor from the socket. Use an engineer's metal ruler and check both the heatsink and the processor IHS for flatness. One, the other or both may be convex or concave. If that is the case you'll need to do some lapping to get both of them flat.


Have you ran this particular Q6600 and heatsink in another rig? If so, what were your cpu temps like using them on the other motherboard?

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No i have not run these parts ever before. But i re applied AS5 and the temps are at 25 degrees so something must not have been happy. Thanx for the replys and i beleive the temps were that high because the the shut down temp on this board is 85 and it shut down 1 time on me. Thanx for the replys guys.

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Sorry if this is a dumb question but if he is running a new proc and a stock cooler, what are the realistic chances that they would be off enough to produce that outrageous temperature (if it truly is 82 C ).


Edit: Strange ^^^^

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