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Final numbers for q6600+g.skill+LP-LT-x38

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So finally managed to get everything done and stable with in terms of memory and cpu. I'm at [email protected] I know this thing can run faster but I like the fact that it's not running on too much voltage. I had it at 3.6 but the dividers I had wouldn't allow me to run the timing at 948 if I hadn't back down on the fsb. I know I could have played with the multiplier but is it really worth .05Ghz? Not to me. It seems like the G.Skill does not like to be over-volted pass 2.1. Anything over this caused me instability. I tried to get it to run at [email protected] but it became unstable in OCCT with 38 ticks to go before the 4 minute monitor. Yeah sucks, but after I backed down the fsb to make it run at 948 (5-5-5-15), it was all gravy with 2.08v. My 3dmark06 score improved from 11173 to 12460. Mind you I have not touched the video card. I'll probably start clocking those when I get crossfire set and stable. Anyway, special thanks goes to r3d who's heard me bitching and crying for the last 2 weeks. PEACE! I'M GOING TO SLEEP!

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Guest r3d c0m3t
Looks like you got the handle on your rig! Nice OC btw!


Handled, indeed. Once you begin overclocking the 3870's, your scores will jump higher than they are now, however unless the card(s) you have/are getting has the PLL hotfix or unless you plan to flash the BIOS, you won't be able to clock further than 830/1241 (stable). However, as always, YMMV.

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3.6GHz on a Q6600, very nice! So you're only giving it alittle less than 1.4vCORE and you got your memory @1000MHz with 2.2vDIMM. A very nice setup, and if you don't mind me asking how the weather is around your area? So far what do you think of your HSF as far as keeping that BEAST cooled? What are your temps?


UPDATE: The temperature here is in the mid 60's, but in my room is probably slightly higher. I'm running my Q6600 @3.0GHz w/1.2v (Didn't touch the vCORE setting). All four cores are running from the high 30's to the mid 40's @IDLE. Yeah, i'm using the STOCK HSF that came with the Processor by the way.


I want to purchase either the Zalman 9700 LED or the Thermalright Ultra 120 Extreme w/120mm High speed fan or something. Not sure which one at this point. I've looked at some reviews here and there and from the looks of it the Thermalright is the way to go. What do you think?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Reclocking as we speak, I had an issue with my taskbar freezing up. So negate that. However, I think it had to do with something I fidgeted in the bios and not the clock itself, considering I primed it stable for 6-8 hours at 3.6Ghz. We'll see.


There was a comparo between the Tuniq and the Ultra 120 xtreme. Have no idea why i've been calling it, xp, oh wait, i used to own the xp. But the 120 beat the tuniq.



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