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AN9-32X Fatal1ty AN9 1.7

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What causes a BIOS to read one thing in the BIOS, & another thing when using CPUZ & A64info? After setting the BIOS, I can't F10 or "Y" out of the BIOS. I need to hit the reset switch or kill the power. When I go back in to the BIOS, my manual settings are still there, but the readings from CPUZ & A64info are different, (after mandatory power kill), after I reboot in to XP. Is the BIOS corrupt?

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I'm running the latest BIOS revision. I've reset the jumper a few times. Same results. All of my manual settings in the BIOS are still there. I have it set to 250x14 & it remains that way in the BIOS even after killing the power to exit. CPUZ or A64info read 200x15 in XP.

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I flashed to the earliest available BIOS because there were parts that remained the same when I reflashed & were not over-written. I want to be sure any corruption isn't in the parts that weren't over-written. Now the BIOS will not come up. I've rebooted 5-6 times, saw the red BIOS screen for .5 a second once. Haven't been able to get it to come up again. It now looks like when I do a reset of the jumper for a few minutes the BIOS does its .5 second appearance, & then nothing. I'm going to try it one more time. I just reset the jumper. Waited 5 minutes, swapped positions, the fired it up while hitting delete. It wouldn't show the BIOS screen this time. I'm going to let it sit for 30-60 minutes this time during the reset, before moving the jumper back.

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There was an error code of "8.6." on the BIOS display. The code means "assert PWM for CPU core voltage". WTF does that mean? There was also the distinct smell of burning electronics the last time I tried to power up. It also shuts itself off 20 seconds after power up.

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