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Upgrade my DFI computer with more RAM and maybe a new CPU


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The summer has reached is bitter end and the work has start, and the biter thoughts IS MY PC ENOUGH?

As I see is component to my old machine rarer and rarer, and propaby not possible to buy at all soon.

So my question is, is it worth to upgrade the RAM or CPU, games still float pretty good but I guess I hit the roof soon as many games becomming more and more demandingas well as the OS.


RAM: I was thinking of another pair of Crucial Tracer PC4000 2x513, will the machine be able to run dual channel with four RAM? Any known problem?


CPU: The prices vs performance for Opteron is dropping, is it worth the extra money to replace the San Diego?


Thanks in advance.

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Depends on what you use your PC for. your 3700 speed ed up some more is OK. I wouldn't waste any money on 512 ram. its bad enough wasting it on 1 gig sticks but that's the way to go. And then sale your 512s


GPU upgrade is best bang for buck

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Thanks for the answers.


So If I undurstand right, best deal is to leave the RAM or swich them to two 1g sticks.

Keep CPU, clock it more, +250Hz would be easy (done before the summer strike with high temps inside), but then I am not sure as I like to be safe then sorry.


Look for a better GPU sounds intresting didn't think of that...That may still work well on next generation Machine if I go for an upgrade in anoother year.

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Guest navinjohnson

In one year quad core will be standard, ddr3 will be standard, and Dx10 will be standard. It doesn't really make sense to buy a new GPU right now as the one you have is decent. Your processor isn't holding you back much, and you most likely won't see much performance increase if you go dualcore. Upgrading to 2 gigs of memory will give you the best bang for your buck and the most noticeable impact on gaming sans the GPU upgrade.

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