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E6600: Which Motherboard is Best (for Me) ?

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I'm getting ready for my second new build. The last one was around the Opteron 165;

This time I'm going CONROE, baby !


Decided the E6600 was the best CPU for me in terms of performance & value, so the next question is which Motherboard ?


Overclocking is something that I intend to do, but no more than moderate as I intend to NOT blow huge amounts of money on bleeding edge memory, nor huge amounts of time messing with weird and exotic BIOS settings.


My excess money is going into a Silverstone Power Supply (or equivalent), and I am trying to keep the budget in the $1000 range.


So, with moderate overclocking ability, durability and reliablity as the top qualities I am after, what is the best Motherboard for me ? Ideally what I would like is a quiet, invisible performer that I never notice once the system is running.





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I'd suggest one of these boards:


crossfire/single nvidia boards:

DFI P965-S : cheap, fast, good, strap control, BIOS settings.

Asus P5B-Deluxe: Pricy, fast, good, well known, good support.

Abit Quad GT: Fast, pricy, well known, strap control


SLI boards:

Asus P5N ... the 650i chipset one to go fast, cheap, good

Asus P5N ... the 680i chipset one for $$$.

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I've put my C2D rig on hold until they release the new DFI LP 680i lt Board in the UK.


I think its already out in the USA but in limited numbers.


I'll be using an e6600 and hopefully with the new stepping and not a concave heat spreader on the chip :P






I hear the Dark Infinity Board is suppose to do quite nicley as well.


Also I've got a DFI Infinity 975X with a e440 arriving in a few days for a rig I'm building for a friend, hoping to get it upto 3.0Ghz, I've read the 975X is a very stable board with a good BIOS.

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