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what do you think of these temps?


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The temps are very low; indicating an ambient temp of <0C. This might have been possible over the last few days, here in the Morgantown area, if the PC were outside or in a shed etc.


Otherwise the temps are way too low. My sig rig runs idle/load temps of 28/40 C; ambient temp is ~23C.


p.s. Go 'Eers

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lol guess i'll fess up yeah it was outside and ambient was about 1C when abient is ~23 for me i get 28C idle and 39C load


The location being WVU and it being on air kind of gave it away (especially since I'm in Morgantown myself).


BTW which series P4 are you running (5xx or 6xx).

While I was running air on my P4 540J (3.2GHz) I had it up to 3.76Ghz at 45/59C; now on H2O I've got it clocked to 3.92GHz at 28/40C. I'm hoping to push it even further with better chipset and PWMIC cooling.

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it is a P4E, a skt 478 ( i don't get a fancy number for my cpu lol ) and 3.5 is the highest i can hit stable and get a preformace gain ( after i go higher i have to knock the ram to fab ratio down and hurts more than it helps)

i can post a 4ghz but not boot, i can boot @ 3.95 but it's not stable at all

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it is a P4E, a skt 478 ( i don't get a fancy number for my cpu lol ) and 3.5 is the highest i can hit stable and get a preformace gain ( after i go higher i have to knock the ram to fab ratio down and hurts more than it helps)

i can post a 4ghz but not boot, i can boot @ 3.95 but it's not stable at all


You're hitting the OC limits of the RAM. If you were to get some DDR533 you should be able to clock the CPU even further. Even so the MB is rated for DDR400 it'll work just fine; simply downclocking the RAM to the FSB clocks (DDR400 @ stock speeds); allowing the CPU to clock higher before reaching the RAM's limit while still using a 1:1 divider.

My MB is rated for DDR2-533 and I've installed DDR2-667, which at my current OC is downclocked to DDR2-653 speeds.

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i have knocked down the ratio and it still isn't stable but i just bought a inf. 975 and am waiting untill the e6420 comes out. an extra 2mb of l2, so pushing this cpu farther, nah i am going to give it away anyways bc i just burnt up my gpu

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