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DFI NF4 Ultra D memory incompatibility

Guest Radiohead_merged

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Guest Radiohead

Ran into a little problem the other evening and just wondered if anyone else has stumbled on it. I had been running 2X512MB Hynix sticks in an Ultra D. The machine is used predominantly for folding etc but got a good bargain on a couple of Ultra 2X1gig sticks (Matched pair) that were purchased as a gift and were incompatible. I realize. The DFI these sticks are just a step above entry level but when I installed the two sticks and ran memtest with settings on auto (memory settings) I keep coming up with 2 errors in step five each time, raised the Vdimm made sure speed settings were stock still got errors, tried yellow slots same result although the system did boot (I wasn't sure it would in those slots). Same memory error with single stick as well.

Swapped the ultras out and put them in one of my Asrock setups, put the memtest floppy in the drive, left mem settings at stock and away they went error free at 220mhz 6-3-3-2.5 in fact dual channel, default Vdimm. I was suspicious still so the machine have been folding for two days now without error, runs benchmarks well, stress tests etc. The DFI is running a 4200X2 core, the Asrock a 170 DC Opty. You fellas think its CPU or mobo releated? Any input would be appreciated because the Asrocks getting swapped out in a week or two for another DFI and really don't feel like investing in more RAM if I don't have to.

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Guest Radiohead

I dare say it is just a auto timing thats knocking things out of whack somewhere. Something one board sets differently at auto than the other board does. I was just kinda baffled about the sticks not even cutting it at rated speeds and even lower on the DFI and then running [email protected] on the Asrock which has a fairly spartan bios.

I did give the OCDB a gander and to be honest I've never seen ICs like the ones on these ultra sticks. I'm not terribly worried about it I just found it a touch inconvenient at the time. I'm more than willing to wade through the issue when I have no other option. Seems to me the ICs on the Ultra sticks are labled "Liberty" (never heard of them). The sticks are for sale all over the place but as of late with the rigs I'm running I'm not running around town throwing a bunch of money around to purchase expensive RAM the likes of OCZ, Gskill etc for boxes I will be upgrading after AM2. I can see no advantage to AM2 at this point and as far as I'm concerned it was just a way to get AMD on the DDR2 bandwagon. The boards certainly don't offer much in the way of improvments over 939s to make it worth spending the money.

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