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sage advice req'd...w/ Spock-like logic


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I'm thru crawling, and I want to at least walk. That's why I'm gonna have the Egg ship me a LANPARTY UT nF4-D on Friday. But I dunno whether I wanna fill that nine hundred and thirty-nine pin socket with a Sandy 3700+ or an Opti 144. I know I'll hafta get a matched pair of RAM (I'm died-in-the-wool Kingston ... and stubborn to boot!) and a PCI-e vid card, but that can wait until I pay the rent. I will NOT use dual vid cards in this system. This major upgrade will live in my signature system ... the Ghetto Box, and I'll pass on the 754 assembly to my buddy, who still thinks his PIII system rocks.


Can ya tell me which CPU you'd pick, and why? Thanks!!!

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Guest caffeinejunkie

Based on my own personal experience Id pick the 3700+ but only because Ive had several in my possession reach or surpass 3ghz w/ relatively low volts on air.

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I think that's where I'm leaning ... it's stock speed is faster, and I only plan on about a 10% OC ... mainly just to see if I can do it, and then later this year drop about 12 Ben's on a real gamer ... prob'ly w/ an Opti 165. Gotta live w/in my means, and still get baby a new pair of shoes, y'know...

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