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Ballistix PC26400 or Mushkin XP2?

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What's up people? Good to see the new DIY-Street site cranking away.


I am going to sell my current Mushkin sticks (in sig) and use them in a build for a client. I am thinking of purchasing the following Crucial sticks to replace the Mushkin.




Does anyone NOT think this to be a wise decision? The Crucial modules are:


Ballistix PC6400 4.0-4-4-12 @ 2.2V

Micron D9GMH (B6-3)


If I didn't order the Crucial sticks I would probably get the Mushkin XP2s. The XP2s, however, are about $40 more than the Crucial memory. The XP2 modules are rated as follows:


PC6400 XP2 4.0-4-3-10 @ 1.9~2.1V

Micron D9GMH (B6-3)




Has anyone experienced problems with either stick? I remember that my old nF4 Lanparty SLI-D didn't like the Crucial brand modules for some reason, but I'm hoping that isn't the case with the Infinity 975X/G board.



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For $10 more go for the Mushkin one.


The 2x1GB kits had a problem which caused them to randomly stop working.


And when the DFI board first came out a lot of people had problems with the older Crucial Ballistix modules.


Now Crucial have some newer modules, different heatsink and the PCB looks different.



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For $10 more go for the Mushkin one.


The 2x1GB kits had a problem which caused them to randomly stop working.


And when the DFI board first came out a lot of people had problems with the older Crucial Ballistix modules.


Now Crucial have some newer modules, different heatsink and the PCB looks different.




I am assuming you are referring to the old PC4000 sets with 5B-D chips in them.... seems they tended to overheat a lot (my set did).


They replaced those with newer revision chips, and they run at least twice as cool as the older 5B-D based sticks ran...


They have newer modules, but what's different about the PCB? Mine is still black...


Based on price, I would get the Crucial sticks. Never had RMA experience with Mushkin, but Crucial shipped out my sticks about a day after they received them.. very satisfied with them.

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Thanks for the info guys. I ended up going with the Mushkin XP2s. After the rebate, they were only $10 more (as mentioned) and they have a slight advantage over the Crucial modules, as they are guaranteed to run at 4-4-3-10 timings at PC2 6400 speeds @ 2.1V. In addition, I have never had problems with Mushkin memory (slight bias towards them). I have, however, had major issues with an old pair of Ballistix PC3200 modules for my old nF4 Lanparty board. Obviously, this probably wouldn't be the case with a new pair of Ballistix modules and the Infinity board.


Either way, I think either memory brand would have worked well with the Infinity 975X. Once I receive the Mushkins and I have time to install and throw several hours of memtest86 at them, I'll make my final judgment and report back.


Thanks again!

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