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Trying for 3gig

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I just got my Opty 170 and went threw all the Oc'ing Procedures I made it to 3 gig and ran apps in Windows but P95 it was unstable So I backed down to 2950 and its running stable now...Anyway my concern is the Temps Im hitting 46-48 on load water cooled at 1.42v That seem kind of hi? Also when I was at 3000mhz the PC would just shutdown at reboot...would that be a PSU issue My voltages are +3.3 @3.22 +5 @ 4.86 +12 @ 11.86 any Ideas?

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Your temps are high. I run 2950MHz at 1.44 and my temps run ~41 at load (dual Prime). I run 3GHz @1.48 and load temps are 42-43. As it is my temps are a few degrees higher then they should be.


I doubt your shut down problem at 3GHz is PSU related. You have a decient PSU with enough power. The ATX spec is +/-10% on the various rails so your's looks to be in spec.


Odds are at 3GHz you did not have enough Vcore, HTT multi was too high, or RAM ratio or timings caused a failure.


If you can get your temps in line I would try 3GHz again and just go through everything and make sure all the settings are correct.

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