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3000+ @ 2.25, Am I doing this right?

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Okay I lowered my HTT Multiplier to 4x so I could up the CPU bus without raising my HTT timing. I slowly, testing at each 10-15 mhz raised my CPU Bus to 250, but as far as other settings, all I did was raise my RAM ratio to keep the speed around 200 mhz. I heard 1:1 ratio is best, but I have no idea how to keep a 1:1 ratio, while raising my CPU Bus without busting my HTT over 1000 mhz or taking my Ram speed too high (It's value ram, dual channel) and I set what I *THINK* was my CPU multiplier to 9x. Now I'm at 2.25 ghz, looking for a little more boost since my CPU runs at 35-38c idle and 44-45C under load.


The thing is, I have no idea what to modify or even what to test with my RAM as far as this motherboard goes. I mean sure there's all these formulas and explanations but none of it really means much to me as I have no idea what I'm looking at in the BIOS.


This is a screenshot of my CPU-Z after the overclock and testing.




And the memory shot:




Now here's what I want to know.


First - Is that memory clock right? Is roughly 200 mhz on memory right? Like is there a multiplier for that that makes it 400 total? (DDR = 2x Memory speed?)


Second - How can I raise the speed even more, since my multiplier won't let me get above 9?

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um... i'm not sure if i understand what your problem exactly is, but if you want to find the max clock you can't have your RAM at 1:1 you need to set it to 1/2, the lowest ratio. Then try pushing the clock up. The venice core especially with the newer memory controller from what i see on your CPU-z should help you hit 300Mhz on the bus. You might have to raise the voltage to 1.4-1.45 V.


My venice 3000+ was older and could only hit 2.4Ghz stable, also i damaged it by putting 1.7V-yes everyone has to start noob somewhere.


I would look through databases and people's sig and ask around. In terms of RAM like the sticky says don't worry about the RAM clock, just use dividers. The most important thing is the cpu clock speed.

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