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16 hr Stable in Orthos/XP, but occasional freeze in BIOS after OC, any


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At stock Speeds everything works perfectly. In XP it is very stable, it will run orthos and 3DMark03 at the same time for 16+ hours.


However occasionaly it will freeze as the BIOS inits the hardware, right at the first screen where it shows the BIOS versions, before it shows any IDE devices etc. Sometimes a reset will work and everything is fine till the next reboot.


any suggestions?


also my temps look rather high to me, do you thing I should be concerned? I would rather backoff the OC than spend another $$$ outfitting this system with good quality aftermarket CPU and NB coolers. It is quiter, cooler, stable and reboot problem free, auto all volts at 2.43/270


This is a secondary PC for me that my wife will use for Photoshop, Internet and light gaming etc. Stability and sanity is priority :)

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At stock Speeds everything works perfectly. In XP it is very stable, it will run orthos and 3DMark03 at the same time for 16+ hours.


also my temps look rather high to me, do you thing I should be concerned? I would rather backoff the OC than spend another $$$ outfitting this system with good quality aftermarket CPU and NB coolers. It is quiter, cooler, stable and reboot problem free, auto all volts at 2.43/270
This is a secondary PC for me that my wife will use for Photoshop, Internet and light gaming etc. Stability and sanity is priority



If stability and sanity is priority, then overclocking should be the last thing on your mind.


P.S. since this thread is technically about overclocking, it should probably be in the overclocking forum.


Have fun,



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Aye, a few of my pieces in this system are not up to the high standard desired here. However, I am Rock Solid in Windows, games, and stress testing. My issue is only a flakey reboot process. I was thinking that it might be a known (but somewhat esoteric issue since my searching did not find it) that someone would know about.


It is perfectly stable at stock 1.8 speeds, even OC at 2.4Ghz. I was just hoping for a piece of advice to allow me to get that extra bit to 2.6Ghz, since it works in windows, it seemed to me that it was a definite possibility!


I will make do with 2.4 if I need to :)


PS my first post was not that clear, let me restate.


stock speed 1.8Ghz and auto volts, system is rock solid and no reboot issues

OC to 2.4Ghz stock volts, system is rock solid and no reboot issues

OC to 2.6Ghz it is 16 hours+ stable in XP/orthos/3DMark03 but flakey reboot problem


Thanks for your ideas so for!



PS I don't think many folks will be spending for the top grade gear to build a NF4 system anymore. They would usually be building C2D systems. I would suspect that most people here for NF4 advice, would be in a similar boat as myself, building a "bang for the buck" system out of used and new parts, and trying to get the most they can with what they have.

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