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Squeeze out all those Mhz!

Guest RohypnoL_merged

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I run 1.21 gigawatt's through my cpu and it works just fine!


In all seriousness thats really way too much voltage for your cooling. You have a great wc setup, I honestly don't think that thats going to be good for your cpu in the long run.

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THIS ABSOLUTELY WRONG! Read THIS and than you will know why you shouldn’t put so much voltage on you CPU!


No it isnt absolultey wrong, the article you listed is a possibility of what could happen, not what will happen, futhermore, as every study like it there is no definite set amount of what is "to much volts" Simply because noone knows, and most likely noone ever will. If you or anyone else is comfortable with 1.7vcore+ its your decision, and your CPU. There is no exact science as to what is to much voltage, and there never will be.

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You're right cuoficr, it's what COULD happen, not what WILL happen. But still, that's how it is (you can't change science ya know), so you have to ask yourself if that is something you'd be willing to risk on YOUR processor. True, it's each person's own decision on what they want to pump through their cpu, but from what I've gathered here on the street, 1.78v is too high for normal reccommendations. Most people aren't willing to risk that in their processors or suffer with 48F temperatures in their room just to keep the cpu cool. My comfort comes ahead of my computer's comfort.


But hey, if the cpu doesn't crap out on you early, and you're happy with the settings, then congrats on the overclock. But if you can still run it at (I'm making up numbers here) 2.9GHz at 1.65v, it might be a better hit since you really won't notice a performance difference at such high speeds.

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Guest RohypnoL

Well, you guys got me thinkin' a bit. Dropped my volts down to 1.71 and it seems just fine game-wise. I've been playin CSS for about two hours and not a hitch. Also came with a nice 3c Idle temp drop. :)

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If your lucky youll be able to drop the vcore in a few days of gaming and remain stable, its called "burning in" where a cpu becomes stable with lesser vcore after a time at a higher vcore (youre doing a little more extreme than most). but it doesnt always work, that will net you a nice drop in temps as well. Personally if i was you with that chip id go subzero, but thats just me.

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Guest RohypnoL

I would too, if I had the money. I'd also like to go dual core though. I don't know what the difference is, as I personally have never gamed on a dual core machine, but a lot of people are raving about it around here and I'm really eager to try it.The next time I get some money I might just have to snag myself an FX-60 or X2 Toledo.

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