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Frustrating hard lock issue with 3DMark

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I've been having a problem with 3DMark 2001SE stability and it's starting to drive me nuts. Prime 95 blend on both cores passes over 24hrs, memtest runs overnight without fuss, OCCT passes, SuperPi has no problem BUT sometimes when I loop 3DMark 2001SE it'll hard lock. The frustrating part is that it will do this without any sort of diagnosable pattern. Some nights I'll loop it for 24hrs without any issue, then restart my computer, loop it again, and it'll hard lock after 10 minutes. Or sometimes I'll cold boot and loop it only to experience an immediate hard lock. :mad: I think it has something to do with my secondary ram timings. I attached a screen shot of A64 Tweaker in hopes that someone can shed some light.

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See if you can get Praz or CPDMF to reply, they are very good on memory timings. Just looking, compared to my 265-270MHz settings (i know they are different memory/mobo/cpu, but for reference), your secondary timings look loose, but then on the right side of the page I have things like 16 Idle Cycle, R/W bypass at 8x, Bypass max at 4x, Read preamble at 5.5ns where yours are tighter. Fiddling with these might help, but honestly, the random problem makes me want to say it's probably PSU-related. I know yours meets the minimum requirements, but Prime, Memtest, and SuperPi create relatively steady loads on the PSU. With your hardware it might be close, and I'd think 3DMark was more dynamically loaded, changing rapidly from high to low loads and back, and might be your problem. The GameXstream 700 is available now for around $100. Let's see what others think.

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I'm ruling out the PSU because I've been testing an OCZ GameXStream 700W to no avail; still getting the random hard lock with 3DMark. I notice the biggest factor in stability so far is DRAM Drive Strength and DRAM Data Drive Strength. Right now I'm looping 3DMark 2001SE with the former set to 7 and the latter set to 3.

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I played around with the timings all day and ultimately I had to raise vcore from 1.425 * 110% (1.568 vcore) to 1.40 * 113% (1.582 vcore). Oddly with a vcore of 1.568, Prime95, SuperPi, OCCT, and Memtest can run all day stable but 3DMark loops cause random hard lock ups. With the new vcore of 1.582 I've been able to run all those tests without any hiccup. I guess the memory controller is a bit finicky?

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