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cant seem to raise FSB over 225Mhz


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Sneeky, part of setting the memory to those settings also includes going back to 100% stock settings- 200MHz for both HTT and memory speed, so everything is running at 100% stock speed settings. Then run Memtest for Windows, when it pops up it will default to "All Unused RAM" but highlight and delete this, then type 800 in the box and hit ok, then let it run. GL!

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I've "read" plus or minus 10% is fine, before I knew about this rule of thumb I had the link speed up to about 1175-1180, which now that I think about it might have been why I couldn't hit 250MHz on the memory speed. Just drop the HT link to 4.0x.

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You could always drop the CPU multiplier down one, your 3200 is what, 9x default? That way you could make sure it was your RAM, then loosen the RAM timings to 3-4-4-8 and leave the rest at auto, then see how high you can get the RAM.

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well if the goal was not to hijack this thread you were way off seems to me this is some ******** thread about some ******** program ....stick to the topic or start your own damn thread....sorry for bein ****** but hows a noob supposed to get any help when someone else crash a thread and the subject matter completely changes!!!!!


is this how this forum is run???????? if this is the way things really go down in here then I guess for my next trick I'll just go get info from a site without crashers cus what the last 5 posts were about does me no good!


Well I do not see what your problem is, A simple polite question about a program that was mentioned in this thread which was to help you.


DFI customers post questions and DFI customers spend their own free time to help users such as yourself.


It does not harm to have a few questions within your thread.


Your thread may end up helping a host of other users such as Kaxx.

So you should be pleased that he saw your thread and posted in it.


You also need to conder the fact that we have many young users and sensitive (civilised) people.


Do not use foul language and insult other members.

Remember, The whole world is watching you.

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thanks sharp for that riviting insight ....as far as i knew problem was solved with that issue ! but hey thanks for all the help on what the tread was about....if u want to continue bashing me for a miss step when we were all past this,...then just ban me and get it overwith instead of bringing up old mistakes of throwin salt in the wound!



sorry guys i guess im just too out of the loop for your type of help ill join a forum were certain ego's just dont come out of the blue

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