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windows install

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OK, i've searched the forums for a while now, i've come up with a couple of things that could help me.

out of the box i had problems with this, memory etc. flashed it to bios in sig from dfi site, workin better now. the windows installer now hangs before it loads anything , as opposed to crashing when copying files, but this doesnt help me much.

i read about problems with the 716a, i have the 716sa which is the sata version. i haven't tried it on the SiI controller yet, i think it supports atapi which i think the plextor needs. forcing the UDMA i dont think will work as that is for the IDE controller, but would switching the sata to ide controller work in combination?

i also read about memory dividers etc i might try later on today, but it is a pain to have to strip down and rebuild everyday so i can do what i need to do at night.

odd, my general impression of this board is excellent save for these trivial issues and i'm looking forward to using it. any help is appreciated

(got my sig now :P)

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I installed windows with the original bios. then upgraded bios to 12/23/05 and everything was ok. then i tried to change my bios to a beta. windows is crushing like yours. tried another bios, the same. even tried the original one and again the same. back to 12/23/05 and windows start but i lost all drivers! i go into safe mode, restore computer to previous day, reboot and everything ok again.

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i'll try and get an IDe drive this weekend. funny that, i gave my IDE burner to my gf a couple of weeks ago. doh. i know on my SLI-D, it is more stable with a 2.5ghz clock on it. thanks for the input, any more ideas appreciated. :)

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There's a lot of people getting this board. And having problems. And most of the problems are caused by not getting your memory memtest stable before trying to install your OS.Get memtest on a bootable disk or CD. and use it. People when setting up a new board or a new Install. take all that junk out of your PC and do a menable Install with one stick of ram. Then put all your toys in and let windows install them one buy one

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out of interest, is it possible for the memory to be running to slow. i've sped it up with multipliers and FSB and windows is booting now. crashed at some lower speeds. might just be finicky with this board. gonna try an install now :)

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well yeah it will act the same way to lose of timings and under ddr400 speads will also make it crash. Thats were alot of people new to this stuff mess up they go to the OCDB and find some one with there same memory and try and use the timings at stock cpu speed. And it dont work. Its because the timings are to lose. If your gonna try and copy timings gotta try the same memory speed also

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heck no i don't copy. where's the fun in that. anyway, got it working. it was the memory, was running too slow, clock speed wise because my other stuff which is pc4000 worked ok and got into windows, so i fiddled, got it booting, sorted everything :) me like :) thanks for the help though, talking it out helps me think things through :)

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heck no i don't copy. where's the fun in that. anyway, got it working. it was the memory, was running too slow, clock speed wise because my other stuff which is pc4000 worked ok and got into windows, so i fiddled, got it booting, sorted everything :) me like :) thanks for the help though, talking it out helps me think things through :)


Glad you got into the os and a lot of people dont thinks its fun :D

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well, we buy these rigs to play games, enjoy ourselves and relax. the process of getting to even just a 25% overclock and sniffing at those who shell out $400 on a processor you're now faster than :P then the competition within communities like this. i remember beating avid6eek to 30k on 3dmark01se, slinging scores back and forth and even bouncing settings and tweaks off each other. then something can go wrong and you have great people to help you.

game to be enjoyed in itself.

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