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Memory Problems / Compatible Question


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Hello all, just got a great deal on a SLi-DR the other day and am very pleased but I am running into a few memory problems. I've learned that this mobo is VERY picky. I have a set of GeIL Golden Dragon PC3200 256mb that i've used for years on my 2500+ rig. Well I stick it in and get the famous long beep that usually hints the board doesn't like the ram from what i've read. So I look around the house for ram I can use and come across a super old stick of PQI 512MB PC2100 and throw it in, what do you know the board boots up and is prime stable for 5+ hrs so far. Im using a huge memory divider as I can't push this ram past 133. The question is, i've spotted this ram on craigslist, it's 2 sticks of 1gb pc3200 ECC ram from micron. Im wondering if this mobo is compatible with ECC ram and if I should go through with the purchase. Any info is appreciated and Happy Holidays :)

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I have a budget of about 100 dollars. Im trying to get enough ram to run BF2 on high with AA/AF without swapping. I tryed it with 512 and the frames were smooth as hell but I was getting tons of harddrive swapping.

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