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Need help with memory settings!(corsair twinx)


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Now I have new PSU: Antec NeoHE(=High Efficiency!)

well... it is under 480W, but definitely enough for this computer.


I have tried to overclock my cpu, but it doesn´t work, "the best" result is 2,2ghz but still computer freeze after few minutes!


few months ago I had DFI LP nF4-D, kingston valueram cl3 512MB(CL3 @200mhz)+Elixir 512MB (CL3 @200mhz), (Antec SP 350W, GF 6600GT)

with those I got cpu up to 2,75Ghz... but it was 100% stable :rolleyes: at 2,7ghz (1,63V)... "ultimate record" is this same processor+that kingston valueram: 2,5ghz(1,35V), memory(2,5V) CL3 @250mhz--> SuperPI 1M: 36sec


When I bought new mobo and memorys(and finally a new PSU) I thought I would get new "OC records" ...but it doesn´t look good at all :sad:


So, now I could need some help to break the old records :) ...I think that the problem is memory timings, and I don´t know very much about them :/


here some information about the memory: Corsair TWINX1024-3200C2PT 2X512MB ... http://www.corsair.com/corsair/products/sp...1024-3200c2.pdf


and the settings:



>DRAM Configuration..................Press Enter = New Menu

FSB BUS Frequency....................200

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio..............X 5.0

LDT BUS Transfer Width...............16 16

CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio..............AUTO

PCI eXpress Frequency................100Mhz

K8 Cool 'n' Quiet Support............Disable

Cool 'n' Quiet MAX FID...............AUTO

CPU VID StartUp Value................StartUp


CPU VID Control......................AUTO

CPU VID Special Control..............AUTO

LDT Voltage Control..................1.20 V

Chip Set Voltage Control.............1.50 V

DRAM Voltage Control.................2.70 V

+0.3v if not 3.2v....................Enabled should make mem voltage 2.79v


Run MemTest86+.......................Enabled, disable later


GENIE BIOS Setting >DRAM Configuration

DRAM Frequency Set (MHZ).............200 (DRAM/FSB:1/01)

Command per clock (CPC)..............Disabled

Cas latency (tCL)....................2

RAS to CAS delay (tRCD)..............3

Min RAS active time (tRAS)...........6

Row precharge time (tRP).............3

Row cycle time (tRC).................11

Row refresh cycle time(tRFC).........14

Row to Row delay (tRRD)..............2

Write recovery time (tWR)............2

Write to read delay (tWTR)...........AUTO

Read to write delay (tRWT)...........AUTO

Refresh period (tREF)................AUTO

Write CAS latency (tWCL).............1

DRAM Bank Interleave.................Enabled


DQS Skew Control.....................AUTO

DQS Skew Value.......................0

DRAM Drive Strength..................Level 8

DRAM Data Drive Strength.............Level 3

Max Async Latency....................6ns

Dram Response........................Normal

Read Preamble Time...................5ns

Idle Cycle Limit.....................AUTO

Dynamic Counter......................AUTO

R/W Queue Bypass.....................AUTO

Bypass Max...........................AUTO

32 Byte Granularity..................AUTO


when I tried to OC the settings were changed to this:

FSB BUS Frequency....................223

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio..............X 4.0

CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio..............X 10

CPU VID StartUp Value..................1,45V

CPU VID Control......................1,35V

CPU VID Special Control..............104%


DRAM Frequency Set (MHZ).............180(FSB/200x180) ~200mhz



...which settings should work? ...I would like to get CPU up to 2,8ghz rather more, in winter temps are not problem :P (I have some tricks if needed; cold air to processor from outside)


there might be some mistakes in the text, but I hope that even some of you understand :)

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GENIE BIOS Setting >DRAM Configuration

DRAM Frequency Set (MHZ).............200 (DRAM/FSB:1/01)

Command per clock (CPC)..............enabled

Cas latency (tCL)....................2.5

RAS to CAS delay (tRCD)..............4

Min RAS active time (tRAS)...........8

Row precharge time (tRP).............3

Row cycle time (tRC).................11

Row refresh cycle time(tRFC).........14

Row to Row delay (tRRD)..............3

Write recovery time (tWR)............2

Write to read delay (tWTR)...........1

Read to write delay (tRWT)...........2

Refresh period (tREF)................3120

Write CAS latency (tWCL).............1

DRAM Bank Interleave.................Enabled


DQS Skew Control.....................AUTO

DQS Skew Value.......................0

DRAM Drive Strength..................Level 8

DRAM Data Drive Strength.............Level1

Max Async Latency....................8ns

Dram Response........................Normal

Read Preamble Time...................5.5ns

Idle Cycle Limit.....................256

Dynamic Counter......................disable

R/W Queue Bypass.....................16

Bypass Max...........................7

32 Byte Granularity..................dis 8


when I tried to OC the settings were changed to this:

FSB BUS Frequency....................275

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio..............X 3.0

CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio..............X 10

CPU VID StartUp Value..................1,45V

CPU VID Control......................

CPU VID Special Control..............=1.65


orange slots 2 & 4

And as alway you will hear that PSU ant gonna fly

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GENIE BIOS Setting >DRAM Configuration

DRAM Frequency Set (MHZ).............200 (DRAM/FSB:1/01)

Command per clock (CPC)..............enabled

Cas latency (tCL)....................2.5

RAS to CAS delay (tRCD)..............4

Min RAS active time (tRAS)...........8

Row precharge time (tRP).............3

Row cycle time (tRC).................11

Row refresh cycle time(tRFC).........14

Row to Row delay (tRRD)..............3

Write recovery time (tWR)............2

Write to read delay (tWTR)...........1

Read to write delay (tRWT)...........2

Refresh period (tREF)................3120

Write CAS latency (tWCL).............1

DRAM Bank Interleave.................Enabled


DQS Skew Control.....................AUTO

DQS Skew Value.......................0

DRAM Drive Strength..................Level 8

DRAM Data Drive Strength.............Level1

Max Async Latency....................8ns

Dram Response........................Normal

Read Preamble Time...................5.5ns

Idle Cycle Limit.....................256

Dynamic Counter......................disable

R/W Queue Bypass.....................16

Bypass Max...........................7

32 Byte Granularity..................dis 8


when I tried to OC the settings were changed to this:

FSB BUS Frequency....................275

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio..............X 3.0

CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio..............X 10

CPU VID StartUp Value..................1,45V

CPU VID Control......................

CPU VID Special Control..............=1.65


orange slots 2 & 4

And as alway you will hear that PSU ant gonna fly



but those settings didn´t work...

I had to change:

FSB BUS Frequency....................225

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio..............X 4.0

CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio..............X 10

CPU VID StartUp Value..................1,4V

CPU VID Control......................

CPU VID Special Control..............=1.4V


my computer didn´t boot if there was something more than in those settings^ ...and I´m sure that the reason is the memorys :(


2,25ghz with this processor isn´t good at all, and the memorys; 225mhz CL2,5 makes me angry :mad:


I tried to put more memory voltage(=more voltage, more stable): everytime when I put more than 2,8V I had to clear CMOS, same happends when I try to use: DRAM Frequency Set (MHZ).............:(


...maybe I just have to sell these memorys and buy kingston KVR400X64C3AK2/1G (samsung UCCC) :) ...this cpu 2,5ghz, SuperPI 1M 36sec


...or does anyone else have any good ideas(about what to try now)?

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Are you trying to clock your ram or your cpu?

try this

FSB Bus Frequency - 275

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio - AUTO

CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio - x 10.0

PCI eXpress Frequency - 100Mhz


CPU VID StartUp Value - 1.500v


CPU VID Control - 1.500v

CPU VID Special Control - Above VID * 110%


LDT Voltage Control - 1.30v

Chip Set Voltage Control - 1.70v

DRAM Voltage Control - 2.80v


DRAM Configuration Settings:


DRAM Frequency Set - 200 (DRAM/FSB:1/01)

Command Per Clock (CPC) - Auto

CAS Latency Control (Tcl) - 2.5

RAS# to CAS# delay (Trcd) - 04 Bus Clocks

Min RAS# active time (Tras) - 08 Bus Clocks

Row precharge time (Trp) - 04 Bus Clocks

Row Cycle time (Trc) - 13 Bus Clocks

Row refresh cyc time (Trfc) - 16 Bus Clocks

Row to Row delay (Trrd) - 03 Bus Clocks

Write recovery time (Twr) - 02 Bus Clocks

Write to Read delay (Twtr) - 02 Bus Clocks

Read to Write delay (Trwt) - 04 Bus Clocks

Refresh Period (Tref) - 3120 Cycles

Write CAS Latency (Twcl) - 01 Bus Clocks

DRAM Bank Interleave - Enabled


DQS Skew Control - Auto

DQS Skew Value - 0

DRAM Drive Strength - Level 8

DRAM Data Drive Strength - Level 1

Max Async Latency - 9.0 Nano Seconds

DRAM Response Time - Fast

Read Preamble Time - 6.0 Nano Seconds

IdleCycle Limit - 256 Cycles

Dynamic Counter - Disable

R/W Queue Bypass - 16 x

Bypass Max - 07 x

32 Byte Granularity - Disable(4 Bursts)


If your gonna clock that CPU your going to have to give it 1.55 or 1.6 or your not going to get far


Ok I edited it so if the last time didnt work they this one :D

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Are you trying to clock your ram or your cpu?

try this

FSB Bus Frequency - 275

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio - AUTO

CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio - x 10.0

PCI eXpress Frequency - 100Mhz


CPU VID StartUp Value - 1.500v


CPU VID Control - 1.500v

CPU VID Special Control - Above VID * 110%


LDT Voltage Control - 1.30v

Chip Set Voltage Control - 1.70v

DRAM Voltage Control - 2.80v


DRAM Configuration Settings:


DRAM Frequency Set - 200 (DRAM/FSB:1/01)

Command Per Clock (CPC) - Auto

CAS Latency Control (Tcl) - 2.5

RAS# to CAS# delay (Trcd) - 04 Bus Clocks

Min RAS# active time (Tras) - 08 Bus Clocks

Row precharge time (Trp) - 04 Bus Clocks

Row Cycle time (Trc) - 13 Bus Clocks

Row refresh cyc time (Trfc) - 16 Bus Clocks

Row to Row delay (Trrd) - 03 Bus Clocks

Write recovery time (Twr) - 02 Bus Clocks

Write to Read delay (Twtr) - 02 Bus Clocks

Read to Write delay (Trwt) - 04 Bus Clocks

Refresh Period (Tref) - 3120 Cycles

Write CAS Latency (Twcl) - 01 Bus Clocks

DRAM Bank Interleave - Enabled


DQS Skew Control - Auto

DQS Skew Value - 0

DRAM Drive Strength - Level 8

DRAM Data Drive Strength - Level 1

Max Async Latency - 9.0 Nano Seconds

DRAM Response Time - Fast

Read Preamble Time - 6.0 Nano Seconds

IdleCycle Limit - 256 Cycles

Dynamic Counter - Disable

R/W Queue Bypass - 16 x

Bypass Max - 07 x

32 Byte Granularity - Disable(4 Bursts)


If your gonna clock that CPU your going to have to give it 1.55 or 1.6 or your not going to get far


Ok I edited it so if the last time didnt work they this one :D


boths, cpu&ram... but it seems that those memorys are not for overclocking :/ ...1. memory dividers doesn´t work, 2. memory voltage doesn´t go over 2,8V

like I have said before; if I try to use memory dividers the next thing to do is clear bios, same happends when try to put more voltage(2,8V is the "highest" which work)


Those new settings doesn´t work, with those settings computer doesn´t go to windows, and the reason is memorys! ...it´s not because CPU, I put 1,703V to CPU, 1,8V to chipset and 1,5V to LDT (cooling air was +2celcius, so no heat problems :) )



but does anyone know why the memory dividers doesn´t work? ...and why I can´t put over 2,8V to DRAM :/

...I think I have only two alternatives left: 1. New CPU(what would be good?), 2. Better memory(kingston valueram etc.)


Thanks to Wil for helping me, if you or someone else have any new memory settings I would like to try them :)

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