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BIOS Flash

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I've received the 4 leds of death again and have already tried every thing except a hot flash due to no nfII mobo's... I've sent a letter to dfi through their web site as well as an email to an employee who assisted me last time with out a single response. It's been almost a week since both attempts... so, could any one here assist me on getting my chips sent in to get reflashed? I would very much enjoy the use my precious once again. Much appreciated! Thanks!

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PM Tmod, he's the man to talk to for BIOS's and BIOS chips.

Thanks for the plug Mirage but I think he was referring to getting them sent into DFI for the re-flash.


The only person that is really DFI afilliated here is Happy.



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Yup, yup, what happened to everyone else? There used to be a bunch of dfi workers here... or so I thought so...

There have only been two DFI employees here.


Happy_Games & RGone


Send Happy a e-mail and maybe since it is christmas time he will lend a hand.



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Yeah, I was trying to PM him till I realized he disabled it for himself... Thanks for the help!


Edit: Gahhh! He's not accepting emails either...

Have you looked at his sig?


It has his e-mail address in it.



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This happened to me with my NFII Ultra Infinity, I emailed DFI Customer Support in Holland, Europe and explained my predicament and offered to pay for the new BIOS chip and P&P to the UK and yet they sent one to me free of charge within a week or so. Obviously it depends on how busy they are in the US as to the response you will get. Try and be patient as I'm sure they'll get onto dealing with your problem as soon as possible. :)

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Well, I'm totally losing respect for DFI. I bought them because of their excellent support team and now they've totally dropped it. I still haven't received one single response from anyone!!! What have I done to get completely blacklisted by DFI?

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For God sake... just go buy yourself a second chip (from Tmod if necessary)... and get a bios savior while your at it.

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That's not the point, if DFI will do nothing to assist their customers, then why should we buy? I won't buy one because what if it isn't the cmos? What if it's the motherboard it's self? I'm not paying $20 dollars just to find that out...

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