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Stability Question

Guest switang_merged

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Guest switang

I have found a point at which I can run Prime95 and IOCCT for 12+ hrs.


290x10 1/1


Once I run UT2004, I get random GPF/blue-screens blah, blah, blah.


Would adding the GPU into the picture effect the stability...power supply maybe too cheap?


Any pointers on increasing my stability (I get crashes even at 280). RAM is good up to 300+ as far as I can tell.

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Guest switang

RAM V @ 2.74 in BIOS 2.7 from SmartGaurdian.

2T (Get Stab issues on 1T).

TcL 3

Trcd 4

Tras 9

Trp 4

Trc 16

All other Auto


CPU V @ 1.736 in BIOS, 1.71 in SG and 1.4 in CPUZ???? :confused:


Temps never reach over 45°C on CPU. All other temps remain well under threshold.

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Guest switang


PSU and HSF in sig would help.




This will probably limit your OC stability on Expert. Find people in OCDB using your setup or close and try their setting.




I've been trying to go though each setting, changing one at a time from AUTO, just haven't got around to changing the others yet.

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Temp is not bad then, never low enough. I took the cover off my case and gained 100 mHz first try. New goal ... buy more fans for my case:) Dropped temp 8 degrees. You might try it just to see. Nice to know how far you can go with. It just takes more out of the equation.

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Guest switang

I have the CoolerMaster Ammo, pretty good size case with 2 120's...ambient temps are relatively cool in the winter.


I found that removing the side panel raises the system temps of the case, disrupts airflow I assume.


I want to blame my problem on the cheap PSU. Once the GPU starts to pull, maybe I'm getting voltage drops or inconsistencies. Something to check...


Under full load with CPU and Chipset fan on high, I see the following:


Voltage-----Normal/Idle------Full Load w/ fans on high (lowest drop seen)




I don't know what everyone else sees with the $100+ PSU, hopefully better results...

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I found that removing the side panel raises the system temps of the case, disrupts airflow I assume.

Yep, that's what is "supposed" to happen. That's why I was surprised in my case.


I'm not savy enough about voltage to interpret those numbers as being good or bad, but power is a big deal with OC in general and DFI in specific it seems. There is more than likely more going on there than the numbers we are looking at.


I did notice your PSU but harping on PSU all the time gets old, but still true. I started using good PSU's before using DFI and always saw better stability with every board. I would be surprised if that $40 PSU is going to really do it for you.

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That's an aweful lot of voltage on air, regardless of what ITE says tempwise, I wouldn't trust it. Try downloading CoreTemp and see what it says. I find it shows temps 7-11 degrees above either ITE or MBM5 due to where it's sensor is located. I also agree with others that your PSU is pretty poor relative to your other components. I personally would never put an Aspire PSU in anyone's PC.

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Guest switang

I didn't want to go over 1.6/1.65, but had to to get where I am, which doesn't make a whole lot of since (I have seen higher clock speeds on less voltage for this CPU).


What do you think about CPUZ reporting 1.4V when it should be 1.7ish?


I'll check CoreTemp when I get home tonight.


I also agree with others that your PSU is pretty poor relative to your other components. I personally would never put an Aspire PSU in anyone's PC.


Yeah it was a get started purchase back at the beginning of the year (2006). Just now started over-clocking.

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