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All games lock up

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As the title states, all my games lock up. I can play for random amounts of time usually, between 5 - 15 mins. Before it locks up my games play flawlessly(sp?). A lock up consists of the screen freezing in place and wierd sound output. To resolve the lock up I have to use the power button on the front to restart the system. I am only running one 6800gt at this time. I have all the newest updates for everything. I did revert back to nvidia's 84.21 thinking the new ones were causing the problems. The system is not overheating, I have monitored the temperatures. The computer actually did this when I first built it, and some guy on a forum gave me some settings to input for the ram in bios which made it work. I formatted and my problems came back (which makes no sense to me). Any suggestions would be appriciated!

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@Fuzz - try with just one card in... do you still get the problem. If so, try only the other card.


Also, are you MemTest stable? Have you run it overnight for 12+ hours? This is an important step that should not be skipped. Just enable it from your BIOS and allow it to run tests 5 & 8 for 10 passes each, then run all tests overnight. Post back with your results.

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My 1st suspect when this happens is always the PSU -- no matter how big, no matter who makes it, no matter how long you've had it. Can you borrow one from a friend to try?


Have you stability tested -- prime95 for 8 hours (as above -- important that you do it like his link says for a true test!), and memtest for 8+ hours (enabled from your BIOS), starting with just test 5 for 20 cycles.

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I have tried both cards. Nothing is overclocked. Prime95 is running as we speak, ill get results when I get home from work. Ill run memtest tonight. I have Geil ram. Ill also try to get another PSU. Ill get back with you guys with results asap. Thanks everyone!

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Ok, prime95 shows no errors. I changed to windows 2000 thinking that may help. I thought it fixed the problem, but last night I got this BSOD:



address BFACEF3F base at BFA97000



I did some research on this error and found that the file ALCXWDM.SYS has something to do with the sound card, correct me if im wrong. Could the sound card drivers/sound card be causing these crashes?

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Ok, prime95 shows no errors. I changed to windows 2000 thinking that may help. I thought it fixed the problem, but last night I got this BSOD:



address BFACEF3F base at BFA97000



I did some research on this error and found that the file ALCXWDM.SYS has something to do with the sound card, correct me if im wrong. Could the sound card drivers/sound card be causing these crashes?

Possible, but IME, this is virtually always a memory problem. Have you run memtest yet? (8+ hours starting with 20 cycles of just test 5). You can enable it in the BIOS on the genie page.

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