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Serious HDD problems

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Alright, so I've been trying to set up a RAID zero array using one HDD as base storage and the other 2 for the array. But, I can't figure out how to do it. Everytime I try to use the Silicon Image tool it say it can't detect any devices.


But, this is the tip of the iceberg. my bgest problem is that since I've installed the two new harddrives, everytime I boot up I get a disk boot failure. However, it boots properly if I have the Windows disk inserted and boot from CD enabled. I've tried using both the 12/05 bios and the 0406 bios and niether fix the issue. Any Idea plz?(on both the RAID and boot-up issue.)

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Guest thespin

You can't use the Silicon Raid for IDE drives ... use NVidia Raid ..


That particular boot problem indicates that the master boot record is not on the drive where you have Windows installed. This many times happens happens when you install Windows on one harddrive (or Raid set) but have not disconnected other HDs in your system when you were doing the install.

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You can't use the Silicon Raid for IDE drives ... use NVidia Raid ..


That particular boot problem indicates that the master boot record is not on the drive where you have Windows installed. This many times happens happens when you install Windows on one harddrive (or Raid set) but have not disconnected other HDs in your system when you were doing the install.


Im guessing Nvraid can be found on the nvidia site?


So, I disconnect the other two drives and install Windows and that will cure the problem? Thx!


Also, I like the sig. Is that your view, or is it a quote?

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Guest thespin

The NVidia Raid setup can be found in the Bios for your DFI Expert.


And yes, during a Windows install I suggest always disconnecting other nonWindowsOS (at least for the installation you are currently doing) drives. It's a bug in the Windows install ...


My sig is an abbreviated version of my view which in its longer form is:


The proponents of EVOLUTION have been very successful in muddling the discussion of the origins of life with nonsense science based almost entirely on similarity of appearances. Therefore to be successful the ID argument MUST NOT entangle itself in the life issues.


A better ID argument IMHO is:


Hundreds of millions of people get in their various cars everyday and turn the ignition key expecting their engines to start and their vehicles, each composed of over a thousand parts, to take them to their destinations. The shuttle composed of over a million parts recently returned from space after a successful trip to the space station. Astronomers study events which took place billions of years ago in places billions of miles away (if they are right) expecting that the laws discovered NOW/HERE in our solar system apply equally THEN/THERE. The earth and other planets, their moons, the asteroids, the comets move with such mathematical precision that we recently intercepted a comet millions of miles away and hit it with a probe. I recently assembled a new computer from many very complex hard and soft components made by many manufacturers (I purchased them online from many vendors through a wonderful system - the Internet); when I turned this new computer on, it worked - first time.


ALL of man's technology, from the wedge to the Hubble telescope, and modern man's 'faith' in the same, depend on the precision and invariability of natural laws.


These laws are there. We discover them. We study them. We apply them. (And no one has been silly enough thus far, to my knowledge, to propose an evolutionary process to explain them.)


How explain also the simplicity of these laws which are integrated so harmoniously together to form a multifaceted Universe which no single man can even attempt to grasp?


Mathematical Precision, Invariability, Simplicity, Harmony.


* How a design and no designer ? *



The evolutionists' arguments on the origins of life is better addressed separately from ID. A great source is Michael Denton's Evolution - A Theory in Crisis.


After decades of searching, we find NO SUPPORT IN THE FOSSIL RECORD for macro evolution forcing the proponents to come up with a 'punctuated equilibrium' hypothesis which is not based on ANY evidence - just wishful thinking (the division into micro and macro was a later post-Darwin attempt to bolster the theory. Micro is similar to what man does when he breeds dogs. These changes within a species happen under natural pressures also - and is not 'evolution' as most people understand the claim).


Their claim that life originated by chance makes no sense.

What do we know about the 1ST LIFE FORM ? It must be able to:

1) take in food energy

2) discriminate as to what food it takes in (else it would poison itself)

3) use food/energy to maintain its structure (and for reproduction)

(we are talking about many complex processes like protein production here)

4) separate and eliminate waste (else it would poison itself)

5) reproduce itself (an extremely complex process)


We tend to think that 'simple' life forms are simple. BUT THIS FIRST ORGANISM IS VERY, VERY, VERY COMPLEX.

Here is some data on the structure of the oldest and simplest existing life form, bacteria:

Cytoplasmic Membrane - A layer of phospholipids and proteins, called the cytoplasmic membrane, encloses the interior of the bacterium, regulating the flow of materials in and out of the cell. This is a structural trait bacteria share with all other living cells; a barrier that allows them to selectively interact with their environment. Membranes are highly organized and asymmetric having two sides, each side with a different surface and different functions. Membranes are also dynamic, constantly adapting to different conditions.

Cell Wall - Each bacterium is enclosed by a rigid cell wall composed of peptidoglycan, a protein-sugar (polysaccharide) molecule. The wall gives the cell its shape and surrounds the cytoplasmic membrane, protecting it from the environment.

Ribosomes are microscopic "factories" found in all cells. They translate the genetic code from the molecular language of nucleic acid to that of amino acids—the building blocks of proteins. Proteins are the molecules that perform all the functions of cells and living organisms.

Cytoplasm - The cytoplasm, or protoplasm, of bacterial cells is where the functions for cell growth, metabolism, and replication are carried out. It is a gel-like matrix composed of water, enzymes, nutrients, wastes, and gases and contains cell structures such as ribosomes, a chromosome, and plasmids. The cell envelope encases the cytoplasm and all its components.

The nucleoid is a region of cytoplasm where the chromosomal DNA is located. It is not a membrane bound nucleus, but simply an area of the cytoplasm where the strands of DNA are found. Most bacteria have a single, circular chromosome that is responsible for replication, although a few species do have two or more. Smaller circular auxiliary DNA strands, called plasmids, are also found in the cytoplasm.

See http://micro.magnet.fsu.edu/cells/bacteriacell.html



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Well, I officially have the worst luck in the world. While setting up the array, Windows decided to crap out on me. Then, my DVD drive died on me so I could re-install windows. Once I got my hands on a new one, my XMS 5500 decided it didn't like dual channel very much. So, even after all of these problems have been corrected, Windows won't detect the RAID array. I'm going to keep trying, I'm thinking about removing the Nvidia drives and trying the SilImg drivers see if that works.


Also, I like you view. I don't nessecarily agree with it all but it is very well thought out and rational, something you don't see from many people these days. I'm curious," COULD THIS FIRST LIFE FORM HAPPEN BY CHANCE ?" is this comment in keeping with your previous arguments that a divine force created the universe and thereby also sparked the begining of life?

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Dude, this PSU kicks butt. The only trouble I have ever had from is that day I spilled coolant on it while it was running. And, I managed to diguse that so good I still got a RMA replacement. If it's not on the list they should add it. The problem was with the RAM, not the PSU; once I pulled it everything worked fine. Oddly enough it works fine in the OS but not installing? Go figure...


But, my new problem is that windows doesn't want to detect the RAID array. I've pretty much givin up by at this point, so once I scrape some cash together I'm going to get an HDD controller card.

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