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Shutdown during gameplay

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I am having a problem, and I would like some help. I will try to explain it as good as I can.

Basically its like this.

My system is set to go into standby after 2 hours. After the system goes into standby, I bring it back online and begin to use the computer. After about 3-5 minutes, the computer will do an instant power off in the middle of whatever I am doing. (mostly loading a game) This has happend 4 times now. Once I lost my opperating system, and had to re-install, the other times I was able to recover it. I have flashed to a new bios version now, and hopefully this will not happend again, but I am not convinced.

I have USB Keyboard and mouse, and have USB keyboard support enabled in the bios, because otherwise I cannot move around in the menu of the CD-bios update screen, and have heard that there may be problems with having this enabled.

Also, I have an idea I am going to test tonight after work. I am wondering if maybe my CPU fan is not coming out of standby, and I am hitting my shutdown temp of 60 degrees. Does anyone know if the DFI Ultra-D makes any alarm sound before shutting down from an user specified "overheat" temp.

I have ran the Western Digital HDD test on both drives, and found no errors.

The system is NOT overclocking at present, and was not overclocked when it crashed.

My memory is running on auto right now (which I will change when I get home, cause I have read that this can cause problems) but it was not running on auto the first 2 times the system crashed.

All my voltages are showing as well within spec when tested with a voltmeter.


Any ideas or tips would be appreciated.

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Ya, I just found another post that I missed before, saying that standby and hibernation may not work as expected on this board. I will disable it and see If I have any other problems. I dont even mind that this stuff doesnt work, It would just be nice if there was some kind of warning on the board or MB box, cause it kind of sucks to have lost my opperating system before I find out there may be a resumehibernation problem. Anyways, thanks for your help.:mad:

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Eh, maybe..., but I dont think microsoft controls the voltages and fans on my board. I have 4 other computers (Asus MSI ECS) running right beside this one, and they have all worked flawlessly for several years now. Oh well, cant win em all....besides, the rest of this board rocks, so who cares...as long as I know the problem, its all good.,!!

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I have 4 other computers (Asus MSI ECS) running right beside this one, and they have all worked flawlessly for several years now

That the thing. If it works it's great. But it's really a crap shoot. On my one Expert Hibernation functions perfectly. On the other one it never has worked.

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Weird, I just RMA'd my first ULTRA-D because of a ram voltage issue, but it hibernated perfectly, and came out of standby as well, without any problems. Now the new board I recieved has no ram voltage issues, and runs great, but blue screens when I hibernate, and crashes after resuming out of standby. I never realized that it was such an issue. All my other boards have happend to work well, so I just thought it was a stable feature. Thanks for your help...

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It's not just that board. Standby is not reliable period. If anyone should be giving a warning it's Microsoft.

I have to say, my old 6 year old HP, AMD 1.4Ghz, has been going to "Stanby" for that length of time. Never --- have I had a problem with it. Maybe, I am simply lucky. I am using WinXP Pro on it, also.


I have not used "Standby" on my Ultra-D, however.

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Tiro Afila,


What kind of stability testing have you done latly? Was the rig Prime95 stable before?


Are all four (4) power connectors plugged in?


Test your memory by enabling memtest in the BIOS and test #5 and #8 for 15-20 passes each. Then do all tests for 20 passes. Test two modules at a time in the orange slots, then one module. This is to rule out your memory being an issue.

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