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DVD Issue


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When playing DVD's on my system, I'm seeing that it's slow to focus.


The picture seems to be clear, then blurry, then back to clear...it doesn't hold it's clear picture.


My system is loaded, and I'm seeing the same issue with WinDVD, PowerDVD and Interactual...so I don't think it's the player.


Anyone ever heard of this problem?




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yeah it sounds like something isent holding up or up to par in ur system..


get like a GF3 Video card with 64mb of ram..


You should see a differnce

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Thanks for the advise, however I have a Xtasy Ti4600...pretty new.


My 3Dmark 1s 10,660 and nothings overclocked.


I have a spare Geforce 3 Ti500...I'll slap it in and see if it's better.



Is it possible to get high benchmark scores, but still have an

issue with the graphics card? Maybe I zapped something messing

around with it?



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