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Best bios for Opteron dual core!!!


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Hello, I have got a LP NF4 ULTRA-D, bh-5 memories and Im going to get a Opteron 165 (dual core), so I want to know whats the best dual core bios, the most overclocker, and the one with the best performance..


big toe's 704-2 ?



and greetings from Chile


PS: nice skin!! I really loved the new look of the forum

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there no best bios,


try and find a bios that OC well for you

Good advice there.. :)
im using bios 06-04-06
Me 2.. I normally use the newest bios since for ME they all work well and very rarely change my overclock.

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Guest caffeinejunkie

The latest would probably be your best bet. Ive spent alot of time playing around with different bios on my ultra-d. Some of them did give slightly higher clocks then others with both cpu and mem (very small were talking like an extra 25mhz max). In the end I settled with the official latest and Im very satisfied. For flashing method Id suggest using TMODs cd and always make sure to clear the cmos before and after flashing to prevent corruption. Good Luck

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Why not just use your stock BIOS, you might be surprised that you don't need to do a BIOS update.

If it is not broke, don't fix it.

All the talk about newer BIOS helping to acheive the highest overclock is baloney, I got to 3 ghz on stock BIOS.

Only if you have issues , only then you might want to tinker with a new BIOS.

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I think any BIOS before the dual core fixes.


Any BIOS post dual core fix for the DAGF, makes my opteron turn off. I am stable at 1.525v @ 2.7 GHz for over 24 hours of prime and memtest, but if I have it at 2.4 GHz with that same voltage, and the RAM notched down one divider step, with no load, in a cool room.. it turns off randomly for no reason. It drives me nuts.


So I use the August DAGF BIOS, the one before any big dual core fixes came out.

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Bazikstano @

When did you buy that Ultra-D? For more than 1 ½ year ago? Because the motherboards shipped from late summer 2005 and onwards has a stock BIOS which indeed support dual core.


Edit: you better erase that PS in your signature... it might be meant as irony, but to be sure it isn't interpreted seriously I suppose you're better off without it (I presume you read the rules).

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  • 1 year later...

Duh, I had this signature before I bought my opteron 165, so I flashed the bios to a one with dual core support (dnt remember wich one). I had no time, but know Im ocing again, and the bios I had couldnt let me go over 2.7 :S so I changed it now to the 704-2bt..But as people say, im gonna try the last one =D.

@KimTjik: What to you mean with PS. Power Suply? :S I dont get it. to you mean the angel?

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