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Anyone use Crucial Ballistix Memory of a Cfx-3200 DR?

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If you have how does it work? Is it compatible with the Cfx-3200 DR MoBo?


The reason I ask is because the memory I have is corsair PC 3200 but for 2gig's that has jumped from 199( 159 with 50 dollar rebate)to 299( 259 with a 40 rebate ).


Crucial has 2gigs of PC 4000 for 219( 189 after 30 dollar rebate), the way I look at it I can pay less and get more for my money. I will give the 3200 away and just buy 4 gigs of this stuff (I have XP x64 so I can make use of 4 gigs of ram ).


Keep in mind that this is 184 Pin DDR we are talking about not 240 DDR2. If any have knowledge on this please pass down the knowledge.

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Yes it does work I have 4GB (4*PC4000) working with no problems at 1:1 2.5,3,3,7 2T, will work at 1T with 2 sticks




Ok, I have 2 gigs of the stuff, is there any particular way I should install these? Like put one stick in the first slot and the second stick in the third slot or both each one in a yellow slot or each in a orange slot? If I provide for more separation will that give better ventilation for cooling or does the slots read better if installed in certain order.:confused:


I am fairly new at this but I am trying to get the best out of my system so if you guys could help me with this I would surely appreciate this. :cool:

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You should use Slot 2 and 4 (orange) for memory sticks.


I also use active cooling above memory as well as units do run hot




Thanks that worked out great, now I have one more question is it better to stay 1/1( I.E. 200mhz ) or go to the pc500( I.E. 250mhz )to get the better overclock?


Moving the ram into those slots gave me 3 times the maximum memory bandwidth, I am pumping a max of like 9000MBs now :cool: .

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I have been running my system X2 4400 + at 1:1 when I had 4 sticks with 1.50-1.52vCore "water cooled" at 11*242 2.5,3,3,7 2T. T


But I have now switch to a memory divider (DRAM Frequency Set: 133 = RAM/FSB:05/06), so I now running at 10*266 2.5,3,3,7 2T, I had a few problems in stability with 4 sticks, no problem with 2 sticks.


I can e-mail my other settings if you like?



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