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problems with new bios

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Hey all, was hoping I might find some answers here. As I have run out of ideas..


I just upgraded my cpu from a 3200+ to a 4800+ X2, along with a new 74gig raptor drive. I forgot to update the bios before installing the new cpu and hard drive, so upon starting up my system again, i noticed that it didnt detect the new cpu correctly. Not sure what I was thinking at the time, i went ahead and tried to install windows on the new hard drive, without updating the bios first. I got an blue screen error 1/2 way through the installation of windows. So I shut down and switched over to my old hard drive, with windows already installed so that i could download and update the Bios. So I download the most recent revision for the Bios, and use winflash, to update to the NF4LD406 version. After it finished and i was prompted to restart my pc, I immediatly got a BSOD error. So I had to reset my machine, the update to the bios worked, it now detected the cpu correctly, but since the update I have been getting lots of memory errors, crc missmatches. I ran the memtest before booting up my system and I am now getting errors on there as well. My RAM was fine before the flash. So Im wondering if you guys have any ideas on what might be causing this? Possible a stick just went bad? Or the new bios might be the problem? Anyone know of a revision that works for them? Any help would be appreciated!!


my motherboard is the Lanparty UT NF4 SLI-D, Im running a 4800+x2 cpu, 1 gig of corsair XMS1026 3200 400mhz RAM - dual channel, WD raptor 74 gig hard drive.

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The basics...


-Take out each memory stick and reinstall it into the slots and make sure it's secure

-Make sure all your power connectors are plugged into your motherboard (unless you have done that before then disregard)

-Clear your CMOS and while the power cable is out of the PSU and after you put the jumper back on normal on the CMOS, make sure you hold down your power button for like 5-10 seconds to clear out the caps (not sure how this is actually done but try it). After the system boots up, make sure you go into the bios and see what you have to do in there and make sure you enable MEMTEST86 save and exit. Run TEST#5 35-40 times, and if you pass something was wrong with your components (loose, improper install, i don't know). Make sure your SATA connector/SATA power is actually connected properly to your SATA hd. I hopet his helps...


Now you have reinstalled your old harddrive and does it go into windows fine everytime? Did you run memtest86 with the new harddrive installed or did you also run it with the old harddrive? Which PSU are you using by the way? Thos Corsairs morelikely need to be adjusted for timings and voltages. If you have time go into the stock database and see which timings/voltages users here are using with the same exact modules that you have. Good luck once more......

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Thanks for the help Mack. I have been testing with both my old hard drive and my new one. I am getting errors quite often in both, on random things. explorer erroring, bsod's etc. I have only ran the Memtest one time, and that was with the new hard drive. I will try what you suggested with running test 5 to see if its components or not. I can boot into windows fine on both drives, but get errors while in windows and the mem test when I had just run it. I just flashed to the 623-3 bios and am running under the optimized default bios settings, so far it hasnt crashed and i havnt gotten an error in about 30 minutes now. so hoping this bios version has helped. going to test a few other things now to see. thanks again!

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Winflash ...well we know what you're problem is! Why people just dont spend the $8.00 for a floppy drive and avoid these situations with winflash is beyond me! You are like the 6th person in just one month with the same issue and you wont believe what the common thread with all of you guys are? You got it they all used WinFlash!!!!

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I was reluctant to use it.. but i figured it should be fine, or it wouldnt be available to download! lol.. is it too late Esau? do you think that creating a bootable floppy and reflashing the bios would help? but yeah, im kicking myself for not doing that in the first place. i do have a floppy drive, but i took the easy way out.

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Thanks for all the help, was able to flash again from DOS and everything seems to be working great now. I do have a question about my hard drive though, when i boot up.. in the bios it says its an ATA 133. but, its a sata 150. 74g raptor. Is the drive not being read correctly?

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Thanks for all the help, was able to flash again from DOS and everything seems to be working great now. I do have a question about my hard drive though, when i boot up.. in the bios it says its an ATA 133. but, its a sata 150. 74g raptor. Is the drive not being read correctly?


I'm confused. WHy are you using such an old BIOS? I think we have the same mobo and I'm looking at an April 2006 BIOS.

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Please remain thusly confused and leave "moridyn" alone since he is now up and running and doing well and without errors...there are many that flash the 04/06/06 and flash backwards to get away from memory errors that they cannot tune out easily due the way the later bios works...IF the later bios is good for you good and go for it...but some cannot use it...Thank you.




I'm confused. WHy are you using such an old BIOS? I think we have the same mobo and I'm looking at an April 2006 BIOS.

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Nvidia has pulled a slick one to make allowable the raiding of some Pata drives and some Sata drives together...so all drives are emulated as Pata and the fastest mode is 133ATA...it means nothing at all once windows takes over and the drivers load with windows...




Thanks for all the help, was able to flash again from DOS and everything seems to be working great now. I do have a question about my hard drive though, when i boot up.. in the bios it says its an ATA 133. but, its a sata 150. 74g raptor. Is the drive not being read correctly?

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