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Windows Errors

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I'm getting the same IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL errors only very recently after 1.5 years of steady service.


I actually reinstalled windows about a month ago and was fine, but am now getting it again.


I can attribute it to one of two things...

1. BF2142 hardware acceleration on my Sound Card that is somehow corrupting my drivers.

2. A windows update that isn't liking my old BIOS.


It isn't any of the suggestions listed above (obviously my cables are hooked up correctly, timings set and my PSU isn't a factor.)


sorry to jump on your thread but I was wondering if perhaps we have the same problem.

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@srocky26: This sounds like a PSU problem. If you are MemTest stable, but once the rest of your hardware fires up you have problems - PSU is suspicious. Check this post from a while ago...


@Kurtz: have you run MemTest recently on your rig? Sounds like maybe your OC has started to go bad (tune it down a little) or your PSU is on the way out (change it quickly ;o) If you can beg/borrrow/steal/get your hands on another PSU to test with (from the recommended list) that would probably be a good starting point?

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@Kurtz: have you run MemTest recently on your rig? Sounds like maybe your OC has started to go bad (tune it down a little) or your PSU is on the way out (change it quickly ;o) If you can beg/borrrow/steal/get your hands on another PSU to test with (from the recommended list) that would probably be a good starting point?


Yes I did and I never had any problems until today. Now my memory is failing during memtest.


So, do you think its PSU related after 1.5 years of absolute stability? the thing never goes over 120 watts according to the display.


Should I try my OCZ 512's, or will the PSU destroy those as well...if so, how quickly.


PS. im not even running a second SLI vid card...why is this PSU failing.



interesting development: my ram is now passing 1/2 hour memory tests (approximately 3 full passes) with no errors after letting the system sit for over an hour. perhaps something is overheating as there is some dust on the cpu fan.

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