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Memory Errors

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So when I start O/Cing by raising the FSB and get around 1600mhz I start getting various memory issues (i.e. computer won't fully boot).


How can I prevent this? :huh:


Any info would be appreciated!!!

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What if I change the CL and CAS to 2.5 rather than 2.


I purchased the Corsair because I heard it was better to get CAS/CL 2 over 2.5 and corsair was the only resonable priced one I could find - now I know WHY! :angry:


What would you recommend instead?

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you know bosco.. I thought I read Corsair overclocked well..


and from some of the reviews I read the corsair performed a bit better then Xtreme did..


what are your thoughs on this?

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Well I have both and anytime I got into the high FSB speeds Corsair would start crashing all the time. The only three brands that could take it was Xtreme, Samsung and Kingston. But thats just me people have different opinons. As for what you read everybody has different luck, If I remember correctly OverclockersAus had the same problem as me with it crashing. I just try and give people options that I know that work well. B)

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Well here's the update:


I unlocked my CPU (because I could) but still am not having any luck with O/C. I went into the Bios and found out that the memory settings were 3-6-3 so I changed them to 2-5-2. No more memory problems with O/C, BUT now have been getting registry errors and DLL file error and one BSOD. All under 1600mhz (133-140 FSB) Ran SisSandra system Performance (I think that's what it was called) when it was only slightly O/C'd and it told me that the FSB was too high for the chipset. Does this mean my MB won't run faster than 266 and I can't O/C


Not sure what else to do - walked through the Bios Optimazation Guide and made all the appropriate changes.


PLEASE HELP - I want to O/C :blink::blink:

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Well personally I am not a fan of shuttle but thats just me. As for your voltage try different combinations to see if it will help, if not it could be the board or cooling. <_>

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