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Soldier Of Fortune II Double Helix.

Barney Fife

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Thought the Raven guys said that they don't have time to do another SOF game, but they want to do another sometime in the future.

They posted about it in their forums.

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Thought the Raven guys said that they don't have time to do another SOF game, but they want to do another sometime in the future.

I don't know how I missed that, I used to be regular over there, spamming their forums with "Give us more SOF" threads, until I got banned.

None of those guys at Raven development, PR or administration levels ever read their own forums. They only got Forum Moderators that's it.

You can tell this by how dead Raven forum is, and the last time anyone posted anything there was a month ago.

But I do know that they are working on, RTCW sequel at the moments. They have started working on it after Q4, and Q4 engine is what upcoming RTCW will be based on.

Then I'm hopping that SOF III will follow up after RTCW.

But at the moments there's no one who can confirm (With hard facts) that Raven is even talking about SOF III, and if they are it must be "For your eyes only" kind of top secret.

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