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Problem With LAN

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A problem has risen involving my onboard lan. When ever I boot up there is a little icon that displays my network cable is unplugged. When in fact it is plugged in and operational. After about 15-20 seconds (varying with each boot) this goes away and I have my lan working again. I also previously this lan was not working and since ive read this forum I have been able to get it working again via inputing the mac address manually into the bios. I have had to do this twice now and this is getting very frustrating because all my friends raved over how good dfi boards are. Im starting to doubt that from this board alone. But then again

it could just be MY board thats doing it. Another thing is that everyonce in a while I just flat out lose my connection. I am on a router and two other pcs are hooked up to it but they will both still have an active connection.:confused:

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Now I can't help you but I used to have this same problem with my DFI board.


Well the disconnecting part. It seemed to do it at random times. At times it would disconnect every 5 minutes, taking atleast a minute to reconnect. All other computers were fine though

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