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Gaming On A Wireless Network


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okay, i recently bought a wireless access point and a wireless network card for my moms laptop. its working good so far. i game a lot over the internet and my computer is in the basement. i was wondering if it would be okay to game on the wireless network. would it lag? would i be able to tell?

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If you already have it, the best way would be to hook it up and give it a try.


Tho, you do realize than anyone else with a wireless port (Palm, Laptop, etc) can now access your network, don't you?


Oh yeah, and when I was working with BS.net, one of the major issues we ran into is that the wireless signal would impeede on the DSL signal... that and 2.4Ghz phones, street lamps, etc... just watch the placement of the device, and you should be ok... unsecure, but ok.

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yeah, i setup an ssid, and it may be insecure, but what the heck do i care? not like anyones going go take there time to find me and hack into my personal wireless network at my house in the suburbs of atlanta GA

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