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can the video decoder on a GPU die?


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short story, tonight i was watching a dvd on my pc when it crashed due to nv4_disp (according to XPs BSOD)


when i went back to windows all was fine apart from playing dvds. it used a load of CPU cycles for this. checked and powerdvd is no longer using DXVA for decoding.


checked using powerdvds checker and all shows up as N/A for all its tests.


removed those drivers and installed the latest forcewares and same thing. dvd playback caused CPU usage to spike like crazy.


i've checked my display properties and fullhardware acceleration is enabled as well as enable write combing.


short of reinstalling windows entirely, is there anything else to try?


also, if i reinstall XP and its still the same - does that mean a dodgy graphics card?


this is about the 7800GT in the 1st PC in my sig btw

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In order for you to use the video hardware based decoder, you must have:


1. the hardware decoder codec thingy

2. you must be using vmr9

3. the hardware codec must have priority over other codecs

4. the hardware codec must have a serial # setup, otherwise it just won't work.


For one, the hardware codec can get screwed up, as can anything else on a drive.


You could allways try re-installing the codec.

You don't need to reinstall the vga driver because no public driver has the codec intergrated with it, it would be illegal to do that...

Ie, you must pay $15 for the codec...



The video decoeder works at least from the gf4 ti and quadro 4 xgl cards from what I can tell, so I doubt the decoder can just die ;) (that is without effecting something else drastically).



Perhaps you need to do a fresh install of windows(try everything else 1st you know).


Also, when you get a bsod, a bsod with a vga driver component in it, it generlly means to little of vcore.

Or there is a memory timing or 2, to tight.


After bsod's happen, even if it says it found no errors, it's very possible to have even a drive die instantly.

Windows can do strange things with that scan disk at startup thing when there's even a slight amount of instability.


This is the decoder you need btw if you don't know:




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