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Memory Suggestions


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I'm looking to upgrade to 2 x 1GB memory sticks for my Lan Party NF4 Expert board, but I'm not too sure what to look for. I was thinking Corsair, as I've seen a few posts recommending it. My existing memory is Corsair Value, and I had a few initial problems with random crashing, so I'm thinking of spending a bit more on some decent RAM.


Im currently looking at Corsair TwinX2048, 2x 184DIMM CAS2. If anyone could give me any suggestions or recommendations, I'd be very grateful. Don't know if it matters, but this will be to go alongside an Athlon 64 X2 4400 or 4600.


Oh, and the budget would be £150 UK Sterling - I guess about $280 US. Many thanks for any help.

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Guest caffeinejunkie

You'll want to go for gksill pc4000 HZ or OCZ gold GX pc4000 is you can. Trust me you'll be very happy if you do.

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i just did a similar upgrade. i had corsair value select ddr400 , a single 1 gb stick. i got it working stable, but still wanted an upgrade. i bought ocz platinum pc4000, still working on getting it stable since i just got it, but its a real nice performance upgrade from the corsair. i have read a lot and most suggest not doing corsair with this board. the single corsair stick mem bandwidth at 400 mhz gave me about 3050, dual channel ocz at the same speed is 4800, at 500 mhz its almost 6000. now i just gotta find the perfect timings and finish overclocking. the ocz was 230 bucks on newegg.

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