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Annoying problem with SATA bios order (NF4-ULTRA-D)

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I have two internal SATA drives and one external SATA drive. The internal ones are two 74G Raptors connected to SATA 1 and 2. The external one is connected to SATA 3. On the first Raptor I have Windows XP32 and XP64. On the second one I have Ubuntu and on the external one I have storage stuff. I find that logical as the external needs to be placed last but according to the bios it detects the SATA 3 drive as the second one and the internal ones as 3 and 4. This creates some problems. After some failures I put the boot loader on the first 74G Raptor drive with the external one removed. This boot loader can load all OS's properly except Windows XP64 which gives a ntoskrnl.exe error. Unfortunately as soon as I connect the external drive Grub can't find the kernel probably because of the external drive becoming hd0 (later /dev/sda).


Is there somekind of solution to this? I would really like an option where I could just make SATA 3 as "3" and not "2"! The only thing I can think of is putting the Windows drive on SATA 3 and 4 and the external one on 1 or 2. Unfortunately I would like to avoid that. Thanks.

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It's been that way in every bios I've tried. It does seem like there should be a simple fix for it though. Also, I've noticed if you load optimized defaults for JUST the Genie bios page, your hd boot order will revert to default. All the other settings will stay the same except hd boot order.

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4-06-06 is the latest official bios, and has been as good or better than anything I've seen yet.

I've noticed quite a few people on this forum sticking with the 704-2 for the Ultra-D. I'm sure they have their reasons.

If you haven't checked out the bios factory and overclocking sections here, I'd do so. You can find a lot more information specific to your board there.

I don't think you can go wrong with 4-06-06, but still your left with the original sata issue.

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