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RAID 0 Windows Installation Problem Blue Screen !!!

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Hi ,


i have just change my Abit An8-Sli to a DFI Sli-dr Expert and i have a problem with the SATA Raid .


I have setup my raid on the Nforce 4 controller and the raid array is healty and seem to be fully fonctional


when i try to install windows I press F6 to load drivers form the floppy and i load the 2 drivers succesfully from the floppy that came with the motherboard .


but just after that i have a blue screen that tell me windows will prevent dommage to your computer .... always at the same place just before i have this screen :




its not my first raid setup and on the Abit AN8 i never had a problem to load the raid drivers



so far i have try to :


- put drivers manually to the floppy disk


- take the new floppy drivers from the dfi Website


- run memtest86 (succesfully)


- change sata port


- try sillicon image raid controller (same error)



do you have any idea of what can cause this problem ?

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So you have deleted the old Array and recreated a new one before the Windows installation process, correct? Now how long did you run MEMTEST86 for, which test, all or did you just try manually setting TEST#5 to run at least 35-40 passes? Did you enable the RAID CONTROLLER in the Bios (Dumb question i know but just to be sure) hehe?

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yes i have delete the old raid array and create a new one


i have run memtest for 1 night and no error .


yes i think i have enable the raid controller because i see the raid array status when i boot my computer . i have disable the silicon image controller too

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in fact the blue screen is exactly the same if i dont load the drivers with F6 . its seem windows setup do not take the drivers from the floppy .


but when i select the drivers everithing is ok , setup load the drivers from the floppy etc .



the blue screen is just after setup is starting windows .



anyone have 1 idea of what i can try ?

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Have you gone to the Western Digital Website to see if there is any newer firmware for your harddrive? Infact if there is any utilities to test them for errors (Did you have them before or are they totally new drives)?

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