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OCZ EB DDR PC-4000 2x1024MB Platinum, Timings??

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Well, every rig is different. At the very least, you can take the timings given as an example and relax them a bit as a starting point.


It takes time and effort to get a rig setup. You'll need to invest your energy in getting things right.




i tried just like you told me to do, but the windows still doesn t work if I put the ram more than 166.


As obs, the cpuz doesn t show the rams frequency or FSB just the timings.


Do I have bad rams?


What should I do?



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the rams fails with the memtest86,


do I have bad rams? should I try more voltages than 2.66?




Ps I tried this one, but still can t get windows to work with more then 140


FSB Bus Frequency............................. 200 MHz

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio....................... 4

CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio....................... 8

PCI eXpress Frequency......................... 100


CPU Voltage .................................. 1.300V

Above CPU VID................................. 109.6%

LDT Voltage .................................. 1.20v

ChipSet (NF4) Voltage ........................ 1.52V

DRAM Voltage ................................. 2.66V

+0.03 if not 3.2V ............................ N/A


Memclock (DRAM Frequency) .................... 200

1T/2T Timing (Command Per Clock).............. 1T (CPC enabled)

CAS Latency (Tcl)............................. 3T

RAS# to CAS# delay (Trcd)..................... 3T

Min RAS# active time (Tras)................... 8T

Row precharge time (Trp)...................... 2T

Row Cycle time (Trc).......................... 10T

Row refresh cyc time (Trfc)................... 16T

Row to Row delay (Trrd)....................... 3T

Write recovery time (Twr)..................... 3T

Write to Read delay (Twtr).................... 2T

Read to Write delay (Trwt).................... 3T

Refresh Period (Tref)......................... 3120

DRAM Bank Interleave.......................... Enabled


DQS Skew Control.............................. Auto

DQS Skew Value................................ 0

DRAM Drive Strength........................... Level 08

DRAM Data Drive Strength...................... Level 2 (Reduce 30%)

Max Async Latency............................. 8ns

DRAM Response Time............................ Normal

Read Preamble Time............................ 6ns

IdleCycle Limit............................... 64

Dynamic Counter............................... Disable

R/W Queue Bypass.............................. 16x

Bypass Max.................................... 4x

32 Byte Granularity........................... Disable (4 Bursts

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For stock settings try the following then run memtest #5 and #8 for 10 passes.


Genie BIOS Settings:


FSB Bus Frequency............................. - 200

LDT/FSB Frequency Ratio....................... - Auto

CPU/FSB Frequency Ratio....................... - Auto

PCI eXpress Frequency......................... - 100Mhz


CPU VID StartUp Value......................... - 1.500v


CPU VID Control............................... - Auto

CPU VID Special Control....................... - Auto

LDT Voltage Control........................... - 1.30v

Chip Set Voltage Control...................... - 1.60v

DRAM Voltage Control.......................... - 2.7v then 2.8v


DRAM Configuration Settings:


DRAM Frequency Set............................ - 200=RAM/FSB:01/01

Command Per Clock (CPC)....................... - Enable or 1T

CAS Latency Control (Tcl)..................... - Auto

RAS# to CAS# delay (Trcd)..................... - Auto

Min RAS# active time (Tras)................... - Auto

Row precharge time (Trp)...................... - Auto

Row Cycle time (Trc).......................... - 12 Bus Clocks

Row refresh cyc time (Trfc)................... - 24 Bus Clocks

Row to Row delay (Trrd)....................... - 03 Bus Clocks

Write recovery time (Twr)..................... - 03 Bus Clocks

Write to Read delay (Twtr).................... - 02 Bus Clocks

Read to Write delay (Trwt).................... - 03 Bus Clocks

Refresh Period (Tref)......................... - 3120 Cycles

DRAM Bank Interleave.......................... - Enabled


DQS Skew Control.............................. - Auto

DQS Skew Value................................ - 0

DRAM Drive Strength........................... - Auto

DRAM Data Drive Strength...................... - Auto

Max Async Latency............................. - Auto

DRAM Response Time............................ - Normal

Read Preamble Time............................ - Auto

IdleCycle Limit............................... - 256 Cycles

Dynamic Counter............................... - Disable

R/W Queue Bypass.............................. - 16 x

Bypass Max.................................... - 07 x

32 Byte Granularity........................... - Disable(4 Bursts)

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I tried the modules in the orange slots, now the rams works with the first configuration at 260, cpu fsb 260, can t get more with this opteron, 270 is overkill, it s a CCBWE, I want to put a WC to rise the voltage, but I don t think I ll get better than that.


Thanks for all the people that helped

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