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Looking For A Script For A Cms System


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Here's the deal:


I'm making a site for a used car dealership. They want to update their inventory themselves, and they want it to be as ridiculously simple as possible, as in fill in a form and *poocrap the car is listed on their site. Clicking on a thumbnail on a page (such as GM Trucks) will pop up another page with all of the details of the vehicle.


I've checked out a few CMS systems, such as PHP-nuke, and it doesn't seem to do what I want. I don't want to post news, I don't want users (other than my client) to have to log in, or even have the option to. I don't need the ability to post comments, etc. Everything I've tried seems to want to do all of this. Am I just not setting them up right? Is there some other way I should go about it?

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Yeah, I've been looking through hotscripts. Everything I've found so far either doesn't work for me, or else I can't seem to set it up right, or costs an arm and /or a leg.


I've disabled pretty much everything I could in PHP-Nuke and Post-Nuke, but I still can't seem to do anything with them. Maybe I'm just too dense to work with them.

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CMS = Content Management System


CMS' aren't simply for user interaction and news posting, they are used by companies (microsoft for isntance) for a huge number of different tasks, some as mundane as posting news, and others for controlling the content of an entire website and storing the content in a database and generating the pages rather than having a web designer sit down and copy and paste from a word doc into html.


CMS' rule for big sites.


As for your own situation a simple script based upon this sort of pseudocode (god im going back to programing here :D)


1. Get data

2. Process & store data

3. Display data


refine step 1


1.1 use a field to enter car model

1.2 use field to enter car year

1.3 use field to enter etc...


refine step 2


2.1 validate field 1

2.2 place data of field one into table number 001 row 1

2.3 validate field 2

2.4 place data of field two into table 001 row 2

etc... unsing a new table for each car


refine step 3


3.1 display table 001 row 1

3.2 display table 001 row 2


thats the basic structure of what your looking for... as for putting it into practise i cant help you much on that one but its a simple thing to do parsaing form data storing it in database and displaying it on a page

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Screw the deadline. I bought a PHP/MySQL book and I'm going to plug away at it over the next few days and make something that's actually useful to me.


I just noticed in my original message it says "and *poocrap"


That was supposed to be poof enclosed by asterisks... sometimes you gotta wonder about the censure of this forum.

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