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URGENT!!!!!!! OPTERON 165, only 1 left

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i have a question guys. Recently i have been debating whether i should take off the IHS from my opty or not. My opty at 3.0Ghz can do prime 95 for ~5hr and 43mins for the Large FFT test using 1.54V (1.4 + 110%). If I take off my IHS, do u think the cpu would be prime stable at this voltage or lower for a longer period of time because it is running cooler? (Usually, i aim for 24hrs). My temps with the IHS on under prime 95 load is in the mid 40s. Thanks


I know its a risk, but i have taken off my IHS from my 3700 San diego before.

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Guest caffeinejunkie

You can still push your voltage some. Mid40s arent bad and shouldnt be hindering your overclock. You can probabaly go to the 1.56-1.57 volt range with out getting too high of temps (too high being like 52ish and up).

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You can still push your voltage some. Mid40s arent bad and shouldnt be hindering your overclock. You can probabaly go to the 1.56-1.57 volt range with out getting too high of temps (too high being like 52ish and up).


I dont think ill be going above 1.55V since 1.55V is already 0.25V above stock. Actually, ive been priming for a few hours now and my load temps are 47-50C which is too hot in my opinion... so i might have to de-lid my opty tomorrow

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Guest caffeinejunkie

Taking off the IHS will give you like a max 50-100mhz extra. I mean if you wanna do it go for it. Before my 3700 I had a 148 that would do 2.85ghz rock solid stock I took of the IHS and got the dreaded 4leds so the risk is very real and honestly not really worth it. Before the 148 I succesfully took the lid off my 754 2800 and my temps dropped a good 10c but my overclock like gained only an extra 30mhz. Im sure that if I popped the top off my sandy that I could get 3.1-3.2ghz stable on air with low voltage but it wouldnt be worth killing it. Hopefully it isn't cold bugged so I can get the cryo-z when it comes out. Hopefully chilly1 gets everything sorted out.

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Taking off the IHS will give you like a max 50-100mhz extra. I mean if you wanna do it go for it. Before my 3700 I had a 148 that would do 2.85ghz rock solid stock I took of the IHS and got the dreaded 4leds so the risk is very real and honestly not really worth it. Before the 148 I succesfully took the lid off my 754 2800 and my temps dropped a good 10c but my overclock like gained only an extra 30mhz. Im sure that if I popped the top off my sandy that I could get 3.1-3.2ghz stable on air with low voltage but it wouldnt be worth killing it. Hopefully it isn't cold bugged so I can get the cryo-z when it comes out. Hopefully chilly1 gets everything sorted out.


Thanks for your reply. My main reason is taking off the IHS is to cool down my opty more to preserve its longevity. I want my load temperatures to be in the low 40s like my Sandy. I dont want temperatures to go higher because I dont wanna burn out the chip. My other reason in taking off the IHS is NOT to gain 50-100mhz, but to operate my CPU at a lower voltage. I want to keep my CPU at 3.0Ghz even if it can go higher.

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OPTY @ 2.7----36,665--------14,183--------9,547

OPTY @ 2.8----34,089--------14,640--------9,800

OPTY @ 2.9----37,541--------14,978--------10,098

OPTY @ 3.0----XXXXX--------15,211--------10,255

Why no 3D03 score at 3.0?

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I'm a complete newb to OC'ing and I took the IHS off my chip and haven't looked back. My motivation was to lower temperatures, not to gain any extra power. On air, I've lowered by idle temp by about 4-6 degrees C, and my load temps by 8-10 degrees C. I would definitely recommend it.. just be careful and take your time. I watched the video tutorial on this forum a couple of times before I tried it. I didn't use any kind of chemicals.. just a single edged razor that I got off a disposable razor.

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I'm a complete newb to OC'ing and I took the IHS off my chip and haven't looked back. My motivation was to lower temperatures, not to gain any extra power. On air, I've lowered by idle temp by about 4-6 degrees C, and my load temps by 8-10 degrees C. I would definitely recommend it.. just be careful and take your time. I watched the video tutorial on this forum a couple of times before I tried it. I didn't use any kind of chemicals.. just a single edged razor that I got off a disposable razor.


Where is the link to the tutorial?

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The easiest for me was using a double edged razor blade. There is nothing thinner and sharper. Was really easy. The best thing is that the razor itself is so fragile-feeling, that I think it would be pretty difficult to screw up for fear of breaking the razor, mostly.


Just make sure to put tape on the other side of the razor so you don't leak on your cpu if you slip.

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First off hi everyone! My first post down here :)


I didnt kno where else to put this, but as its of the same lines as to how this thread originally started, is the ccbbe 0617 fpmw stepping of the opty 165 any good? I looked at the links to the known good stepping forum links and correct me if I'm wrong but I didnt see anything regarding this stepping, but rather its sibling the 615's which are godly.


Any info anyone can provide about how this core performs when OC'd would be greatly appreciated, as I'm seriously considering buying it to start off my opty system

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ok so neways, i finally gained the courage to remove my IHS. I accidentally scraped a small portion of a resistor (i think ??) that is near the core, but most of it was still attached. It was only the top portion that was gone. I placed it back in my system and everything was finee...


Neways, my load temperatures when my IHS was on was 48-51C.. After i removed it, my load temperatures are around 42-45C. My idle is 38C. I expected my temperatures to drop alot more, but it didnt I used neo prene pads to cushion my swiftech apogee waterblock on the core. I made sure that the waterblock was firmly on top of my core and not crushing it. I tested this by placing my block on top of my core which had a layer of AS5. I screwed down my waterblock on the core, and used a marker and marked how far the screw was in the mobo. I removed the block and i saw a nice rectanglular, even coating of AS5 on my waterblock so i know the contact is good. So how can i further reduce my temps guys?

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I don't think you could drop it. To be honest, those temps are dandy seeing as 165's are dualcore and produce more heat than their singlecore contemporaries, esp. seeing as you're overvolting and overclocking. I dualprime @ 48c but that's on air.


All in all you've got a sweet setup.

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