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Lanparty Nf4 SLi-DR-Expert "BIOS" settings

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My pc is running now -->

fsb:250 , htt 4x, 11x , 1.425v , memory: 2.71v

Cpu is 3700+ athlon64 , memory: mushkin redline xp4000 2gb kit

i think there is something wrong with my bios settings , cpu settings are ok , memory settings pending... i think those are ok... should be :nod:

Could you guys highlight some important bios settings for me so that i could see and correct them if wrong ! and i mean all the bios options

Example--> i have 2*barracuda (120gb&300gb) , silsataraid controller is set to "SATA" is that ok ? s.m.a.r.t ??? , shadowing ??? , caching ??? , the mobo manual was so poor that i didnt understand a thing from it !!! And this is myu first DFi Mobo so all the bios settings are quite new to me :confused:


Allso tried to OC higher but no luck... 2.75ghz only that works... examples i tried->

260*10*3 (didnt boot) , 280*10*3 (didnt boot) , 300*10*3*1.50v*9/10 (didnt boot) and even now the superPi test 3 (64k) fails... those must be memory settings but i cant undestand whats wrong with them...


01/01-200=ram/fsb , 1T , cl:3 , trcd:3 , tras:8 , trp:2 , trc:7 , trfc:14 , trrd:2 , twr:2 , twtr:2 , trwt:3 , refperiod:auto , drambankinter:enabled , dqs skew control:auto , dqs skew value:0 , dramdrivestrenght:level4 , dramdatadrivestrenght: reduce 00% , max async latency:08 , dram response time:fast , read preamble time:5.0 , idle cycle limit:16 , dynamic counter:disabled , r/w queue bypass:16x , bypass max:07x , 32byte granularity:disabled (4bursts)


The mushkins are ment to run at 250mhz(ddr500) so are those settings ok or shoul i change something because the pc is not stable.... example hl2.exe errors always when playing cs-source , when oc:d more (page_fault_in_non_paged_area) or something and (driver_irql_not_less_or_equal) or something like that ??????????????????????

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so i readed it... but there was nothing for the bios problems i mentioned previously :confused: but the memory part only confirmed that the latency controls for my memory are OK :D

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examples i tried->

260*10*3 (didnt boot) , 280*10*3 (didnt boot) , 300*10*3*1.50v*9/10 (didnt boot)

260*10 is 260 for the memory. 280*10 is 280 and 300*10 at 9:10 is 272 All these settings result in the memory being overclocked. Why not try 260*10 at 9:10. your memory will be running at 236 and any errors will then be cpu related.


If you're not using RAID just disable them in the BIOS.


Try Dram data drive strength set to 2 (reduce 30%) and Bypass Max at 05x.


Now my both hardrives are acting strange !?? Disk fragment was nearly 20% both , used the windows diskfraqmenter and it won repair them !!!???

You shouldn't be using any disk utility programs on an unstable system. I see a Windows reinstall coming.

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Oh i have reinstalled windows 3 times to this piece of . !!

There was no problem oc:n my fx-60 based pc , but this is incredibly hard to

overclock !!!?? i cant understand this pc :confused:

Of curse i used memory dividers on previous over clocks :D

i have overclocked quite many pc:s , because ive personally had 6 different computers sence amdK62 "wich sucked" :D

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