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Mem Divider error?


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Im attempting to overclock the rig in my sig. This is not my first attempt with s939 overclocking so i "think" i know what im doing. This is however the first DFI/NF4 rig i have used. So heres the story so far....


As the mem i have is 2gb 3200 im not looking to clock the mem so i was planning on running 300x9 with a 3:2 divider to keep the mem at the stock 200mhz.


Im using 3*HTT multi for 300fsb.


Rig is perfect at stock speeds. So all harware is in full working order

200 x9 : mem @ 200mhz(1:1 divider) Stock stable.


Rig takes 300htt no probs with mem kept nice and low and cpu at stock.

300x6 : mem @ 150mhz(2:1 divider) 11 hours prime stable.


With the mem at 200 mhz the system resets after the initial bios screen.

300x6 : mem @ 200mhz(3:2 divider) posts but resets after initial bios screen.




The 3:2 mem divider is working correctly up to around 260 mhz, with the correct mem speeds being reported. Above this speed it resets after the first screen. This is slightly bios dependant but none have solved the problem. I was thinking this may be an error with the board as with the 3rd set of settings all components should be within stock/tested limits. I cant see a reason for the rig to be resetting itself.


Was wondering if anyone else has experienced problems like this, or can spot an error im making. Any input appreciated.




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I had the same problems with the same ram. There are many revisions of the Corsair C2 and they use different chips, so most of the settings that you can find will probably not work for your revision.

I bought a set of GSkill HZ sticks and all the dividers run fine with any HTT.

You can keep on testing, but eventually it might just be impossible for your RAM to run the way you want it to.

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