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New build....so far so good.

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All parts are new but for the memory, and the HDD and optical drives. After much research, pondering and partaking of the wealth of knowledge available here in the many posts at the DFI Street, I decided to do my first 64 build.


I'm not going to lie, although I did read the guides, including the initial build guide, I have to admit, I just threw it all together, fired it up, installed a fresh OS and it ran like a top at optimal settings. I don't recommend bypassing the initial build guide, but I have two small children and both have raccoon hands, and if any of you know the characterstics of a raccoon, they just have to touch everything. Besides, I need my machine and didn't have time. (I have more excuses upon request). I did however run memtest and all passed.


What a big performance jump from my NF2 AthlonXP and Intel i865 P4 systems. At the moment I'm running the stock cooler/thermal paste, which with it's heatpipe construction certainly looks, and at the moment, seems to be no slouch. However, I do have a Zalmon CNPS9500 waiting for installation, but after receiving it and eyeballing just how obnoxiously large it is, I'm not sure if I want that hog in my crate. Imagine the most beautiful woman you can think of with a dime sized wart right on the end of her nose....not very attractive is it. I'm thinking the same thing with the Zalmon, good reviews or not.


Right now the opty sits at 2.0 after a bit of tweaking, but I go no further it's getting late. I am indeed grateful for the info I've gathered here, and a big gracias to the DFI caretakers and all who contribute. More to come.

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First off i wanted to congratulate you on your new computer. Second i see that you only listed CCBWE and nothing else in your Sig regarding the stepping of your processor. Usually many people that are aware of steppings would put the numbers as well (example: 0550, 0551, 0602, whatever) it would really help us out. I would most definitely put that Zalman CPU fan in right away since it would really help your processor cool much better then the stock HSF. As you have noticed both are equiped with HEATPIPES which is a plus, but take a close look at the Zalman since you can adjust the direction of the airflow towards the back panel of your case where you should have fans exhausting. I would do that if i were you and let's say you don't like it, just return it if it's possible or sell it on E-Bay. I really think that Zalman fan is quite a beautiful design and would stand nicely in any case. I guess some people just have a different taste. I hope this helps....

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Hey thanks Mack. And no, I did not add the stepping numbers, from what I've gathered, the CCB1E turns up the highest, up to and above 3g's, whilst the rest settle at around 2.5 to 2.7.


I'll list them when I pull the stock cooler to install the Zammy. Yes, the Zalman is quite an attractive piece of work, but crate room, cable placement, and trying to work inside my crate with my crab-claws, as well as bent fins comes to mind. However, if any intensive banging around is required I could just remove it I suppose. I just don't want to have yank it everytime I need to do a menial task.


Also forgot to mention I had done the SLI mod. It worked, but it was a really sad looking job.


Thanks again Mack! :)

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Just completed the install of the Zalmon/AS 5. Unit was a breeze to install, exceptional performance (26 idle, 37 load), and really does look sharp. There is also enough room to root around in my crate without fubaring anything as well.


Opty is sitting on 2.1 at the moment and all is well. Plan to loosen the timings a bit and turn it up some more soon.

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Since you used AS5 on the CPU/Heatsink, keep in mind that you'll have the run the system for a good 150-200 hours before it fully cures. Only at that point will you be able to see how far you can OC your system if I am not mistaken. That being said, it might save you time to wait until it has cured before you begin to OC beyond 2 ghz. (otherwise your going to be testing for the right sweet spot twice).

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Thanks for the tip kmark :)




That being said, it might save you time to wait until it has cured before you begin to OC beyond 2 ghz. (otherwise your going to be testing for the right sweet spot twice).


That's going to be a tough one, but will do.

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