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I think I missed your post *L*

I mostly fooled with the timeings at least the frist 2 or 3 under the t1/t1 setting in the dram config in the bios.

if that alone will not make it run right then I need a bit more help seting this thing up,mmm I probly would be better off gettign a 1GB kit that the board likes?

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Don't give up just yet. There are a LOT of things that you can do to get it running. I have banged my head against this MB for a while now... and I am slowly learning what it likes and doesn't like. It kicked my azz for about 2-3 solid weeks... and I have been building PC's for 10+ years. :nod:


That being said, let's start off with a couple of things:


Floppy Drive: Buy one. It's a life saver for BIOS changes. Changing the BIOS through Windows is possible, but I don't like it. If things are not stable, it could get ugly during a BIOS update. A floppy drive keeps it simple... and allows you to run Memtest to make sure if it's really your RAM giving you problems or not.


Power supply: If you don't have a quality power supply, you are in for a world of problems. This board needs quality power... specifically, it needs high current on the 12 volt rails. If you can perform some tasks with your PC, but it crashes under load (gaming) then I would suspect the PSU right from the start. Search the forum for 'recommended power supplies' for more details.


BIOS: You can check the BIOS version on startup. Just look in the lower left hand corner of the screen during post. See the date there? That's your BIOS revision. There are currently 3 DFI approved BIOS revisions. (602, 705, and 711) There is a beta bios available, but we can play with that later. I personally had problems with 705 and 711. I ran 602 without too many problems, and I am currently running a beta that Adreno recommended. :cool:


RAM: How many sticks of RAM are you running? What is the exact model number of your Mushkin RAM? Do you know the RAM timing settings from the factory? If so, you need to enter them manually in the BIOS. All 'Auto' settings in your RAM settings is your enemy.


So what do we need to do as a minimum? Let's say you are running RAM that runs at 3-3-3-8 @ 2.6 volts. Go into your Genie BIOS area and set the following:


CAS Latency (Tcl): 3

RAS to CAS Delay (Trcd): 3

RAS Precharge: 3

Min RAS Active Time (TRas): 8

Command Rate: 2T


Leave the others to 'auto' for now, but it's important to get these initial settings for stability. Double check the ram voltage. This motherboard overvolts the RAM about 0.1 volts, so the stock setting of 2.6 should be okay. If your RAM is rated for 2.7 or 2.8 volts, I would say to bump it a little.


Get that floppy drive and run Memtest. If you can run Memtest all night without errors, we can 'assume' that it's not your RAM that is causing your problems. We can get more in-depth testing in Windows using Prime95, SuperPi, and OCCT later.


As Adreno said above, bump the CPU voltage. (This motherboard undervolts the CPU about 0.1 to 0.2 volts.) Make sure that your AGP timing is set to 67 or 68. (66 will cause you some problems.)


One last thing. You didn't say what kind of hard drive(s) you are using. I assume it's a regular PATA drive and not a SATA drive, correct? When you re-installed Windows, did you first use the hard drive software to write zeros to the drive? If not, there is a chance that there is some left over crap that might be messing with your Windows install. (A format won't necessarily clear that up. I had this very issue when I re-used my SATA drives from my RAID array on my last build. Once I wrote zeros to the drives, I was good to go.) You might also consider slipstreaming SP2 into WinXP. I did it, and it made a world of difference.


If you could update your sig with detailed information about your rig, it will help us help you. ;) Best regards,



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LOL! Sometimes you get on a thread and you can forget what the original problem was. I have seen this lots here, and on a few occasions lost myself as well.


Suggest you check this post again and make sure some of the basic settings are OK on your setup. Undervolting of vcore is a common source of error on this board, and could possibly be your issue but you need to take things one step at a time, test each component and on then move on to the next problem.




Also post your BIOS version, and try to post more information on the part number for the Mushkin PC3500.

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As Adreno said above, bump the CPU voltage. (This motherboard undervolts the CPU about 0.1 to 0.2 volts.) Make sure that your AGP timing is set to 67 or 68. (66 will cause you some problems.)






Just a heads up if you are using 705 or 711 bios "CPU Voltage adjusting" then vcore overvolts. To make matters even more whak C19 does not have CPU voltage adjusting and just undervolts terribly.


You don't really know what you are giving you CPU for volts so either use the tables (tweeks sticky) or a multimeter is even better.



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  • 2 weeks later...


ok sicne this is going to be fun lets go over the bascis


I have a Antec 24pin PSU tester it can be used with a multi meter and I ahve one of thos to when I tested it it ran 12V or more.



Frist off How do know whitch bios I have when booting?

what bios should I use?



Next is how do I find the numbers of my ram so then I can go and find its timeings,sicne I am unsure of the timeings.

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ok sicne this is going to be fun lets go over the bascis


I have a Antec 24pin PSU tester it can be used with a multi meter and I ahve one of thos to when I tested it it ran 12V or more.



Frist off How do know whitch bios I have when booting?

what bios should I use?



Next is how do I find the numbers of my ram so then I can go and find its timeings,sicne I am unsure of the timeings.


To find out the BIOS version, cold boot (i.e power off, then on), and in the bottom left hand corner the BIOS version will be displayed just before the system boots up.


Finding out the RAM type might be a bit harder. If you have the original packaging check to see if there is a Mushkin part number that we could reference, or model number. Are they Mushkin Redline XP3500 2X512MB DDR433?


You need to be sure to identify these correctly as the sticks I mentioned require high volts and active cooling to work properly. See what you can find out a post it here.



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The yellow slots were better for my old OCZ 3200EL R3 (infineon ICs), allowing them to run in 1:1 up to 265, 2.5-3-3-6 1T, and clean up to 345HTT 1T with a divider. T he orange slots wouldn't do 1T over 240 for me, but they also undervolt about .03 and the yellows overvolt about .03, so I am curious to try my new UCCC in the orange ones sometime and see if going under 2.5 will get me past my current cieling with them. The OCz PC4000EL Gold 2x1GB kit I have seems to want as little voltage as possible, and people are saying that some UCCC is hitting peak clocks at a low as 2.2v on an expert. I am not about to mod the vDIMM (yet) just over a few clocks, but for samsung UCCC it truly seems so far the lower the volts, the better, and even at 2.5, they are warm to the touch with a 90CFM fan just for the RAM.


The 602 BIOS is, in my opinion by far still the best. The temps and voltages might be out to lunch, but once you get used to it, it's stable and I prefer max clocks to ease of use.

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I onyl have 1 *L*



SIcne I ahve to reisntall the board to"paly" with it I will take ntoes and work on it in a day or so..I dotn feellike takeing it apart and putting it back togather just yet *L*

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Are you missing a finger on your right hand? You type like you are.


Either way, gimme the moth*****king part#, if you're sitting on BH-5 and don't do something about it, I will find you and skin you alive! I mean that.

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the finger I ahve the brain cells I dont well thier there just wired diffrent,learnign disabilties are so fun,altho it wouldnt hurt if I proof read more,part number,ok I'll turn the comp off and pull it and see *L*

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