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NF4 Expert & 1 eVGA 7800 GT - loss of signal problem

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Hey all,


again, I'm relatively new here. Thanks for understanding.


I'm having a problem with my NF4 Expert and a single (non-SLI, obviously) eVGA NVidia GeForce 7800 GT.


I have a Dell 2001FP monitor, and whenever I turn it off for more than a minute or so, when I turn it back on I don't get a signal. The PC is still running perfectly in the background, just with no video. (If I turn it back on quickly, the image reappears as it should)


I've verified that this is not an issue with the monitor by testing it with another PC.


This happens even if I leave the PC sitting in the bios and turn off the monitor, so I don't think it has anything to do with my power or screensaver settings in windows. I'm running my bios at default settings although I did try changing the power settings (in the bios), to no avail.


I have the latest drivers for the video card (tried them both from eVGA and direct from NVidia) and I've also tried switching between the "plug and play monitor" driver and Dell's actual driver for the monitor (they only have one version so far). However, I don't think either of these are the issue since the problem also happens while idleing in the bios.


I had this happening previously and I RMA'd the video card to newegg. I received a new card and am still having the same problem. So, I'm pretty sure it's some sort of incompatibility between the card and the board.


Anyone seen anything like this before? I'd really like to be able to turn my monitor off while keeping the computer running and not have to reboot to see the screen again. :(


Thanks in advance for any help.


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I have the same motherboard and the same model of EVGA video card (N517-AX) running on a Dell 2405FPW, and I don't have this problem.


Which DVI port are you using? Have you tried the other DVI port? (I assume you are using DVI) Have you tried using the VGA cable instead?

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Which DVI port are you using? Have you tried the other DVI port? (I assume you are using DVI) Have you tried using the VGA cable instead?


The problem occurs on both DVI ports, but only when using the DVI-input on the monitor. If I use the DVI to VGA adapter and connect to the VGA port on the monitor, either port works fine. Anyone have any advice?




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